This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use the /weather command with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. You can use the /weather command to change between weather cycles at any time (clear, rain, thunder or snow) for a Minecraft world.
Minecraft: Bedrock Documentation Homepage Updates and News Casual Creator Learning Journey Concepts Game Logic Assets and Sound Worlds Entities Blocks Tools and Libraries Reference Documentation Commands List of commands allowlist camera camerashake changesetting clear clearspawnpoint clone damage daylock deop...
titleraw toggledownfall transfer weather wsserver xp Script APIs Behavior Pack JSON Files Resource Pack JSON Files Molang Default Minecraft Listings Raw Message JSON Version Disambiguation Best Practices & Tips Contribute ดาวน์โหลด PDF Learn...
/fill <from: x y z> <to: x y z> <tileName: Block> replace [replaceTileName: Block] [replaceBlockStates: block properties] Arguments blockStates: block properties An array of block states. from: x y z: position A vector that specifies the location in x, y, and z coordinates of fl...
minecraft单机指令列表command list CommandList Stuckonacommand,confusedorjustlookingforsomethingnew?Checkout Tobringupthecommand"console"type'T'thentypeinthecommand.Belowisabriefrunthroughofthecommandlist: achievement<list...
1. /gamemode 2. /give 3. /xp 4. /setblock 5. /difficulty 6. /clear 7. /toggledownfall 8. /weather 9. /fill 10. /spawnpoint 11. /say 12. /time 13. /tp 14. /effect 15. /entitydata 16. /clone 0. Is tipsIf you want to learn more I can make a second map!
commandMap.register("minecraft",newVanillaCommandWrapper(newnet.minecraft.command.CommandDifficulty(),"/difficulty <new difficulty>")); commandMap.register("minecraft",newVanillaCommandWrapper(newnet.minecraft.command.CommandEffect(),"/effect <player> <effect|clear> [seconds] [amplifier]")); ...
/weather clear 0 Only if it's day 0: /time query day Only if it's Peaceful difficulty: /difficulty Only if the player is in the Overworld: /execute as @p[distance=..3] store result score @s OBJ run data get entity @s Dimension ...
TIP:The /toggledownfall command may not behave properly if you have previously run the/weather clearcommand in your world. How to Enter the Command 1. Open the Chat Window The easiest way to run a command in Minecraft is within the chat window. Thegame controlto open the chat window depend...
Example: /weather clear 9999999999999 Analysis When providing the translation string "command.context.failed": "1: %s, 2: %s, 3: %s, 4: %s, 5: %s" to see what arguments are provided, there are no arguments provided. It appears that the entire command failed string is buggy or something...