CLRMSTKEY (Clear Master Key) command CLROUTQ (Clear Output Queue) command CLRPFM (Clear Physical File Member) command CLRPOOL (Clear Pool) command CLRSAVF (Clear Save File) command CLRSVRSEC (Clear Server Security Data) command CLRTRCDTA (Clear Trace Data) command CMD (Command Definition) ...
PROMPT Sends the specified message or a blank line to the user's screen. REMARK Begins a comment in a command file. REPFOOTER Places and formats a specified report footer at the bottom of each report, or lists the current REPFOOTER definition. REPHEADER Places and formats a specified...
RESTORE SCREEN Command RESTORE WINDOW Command RESUME Command RETRY Command RETURN Command ROLLBACK Command RUN | ! Command SAVE MACROS Command SAVE SCREEN Command SAVE TO Command SAVE WINDOWS Command SCAN...ENDSCAN Command SCATTER Command SCROLL Command SEEK Command SELECT - SQL Command SELECT Command...
Screen clear/cls:Clear screen spool/spo:Sync screen output to file, the command name can be different regarding to different db platforms column/col:Control the layout format of grid(i.e. query) field grep:Similar to the Unixgrepcommand but only supports piping from other command ...
1. Go to theSetupscreen, shown below: 2. From the menu on the left, chooseManagement Plug-Ins. 3. You need to import the plug-in to OMS. Click on theImportbutton. 4. It will ask for a file name. Click on the buttonBrowse, which will open the file explorer. ...
Use the following command to recall the history of SQLcl commands: HISTORY [index | FULL | USAGE | SCRIPT | TIME | CLEAR (SESSION)?] | FAILS Use the Up and Down arrow keys to navigate through history items at the prompt. Use the HISTORY command to print the history contents. History ...
The command monitors for any location changes and will update the screen for the new location attributes. Press the enter key to terminate the command execution. Cisco CMX Command Reference Guide, Release 10.4 52 Cisco CMX Commands cmxloc start cmxloc start To start a location accuracy test, ...
:wrench: :hammer: A set of PowerShell functions you might use to enhance your own functions and scripts or to facilitate working in the console. Most should work in both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7, even cross-platform. Any operating system limit
Field Notes: Sharing a Split Screen The Business of IT: 10 Keys to Becoming an Environmental Leader How compliance and security requirements may conflict Output data to the command window in tabular format with VBScript Decentralizing SharePoint Site Administration ...
These commands dump the contents of the indicated files to the screen, one page at a time. Command Syntax file dump activelog file-spec [options] file dump inactivelog file-spec [options] file dump install file-spec...