Invoke-Command [[-ComputerName] <String[]>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-Port <Int32>] [-UseSSL] [-ConfigurationName <String>] [-ApplicationName <String>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-AsJob] [-InDisconnectedSession] [-SessionName <String[]>] [-HideComputerName] [-JobName <String>...
The command attempts to fix errors on the disk. If the disk is in use, run the check on the next system restart. Interruptingchkdskwhile it's running is generally safe, but it’s recommended to complete the scan later to address potentialdata corruption. 7. choice Command Thechoicecommand ...
You can run this command to check the DTLS server status for fault locating in a timely and accurate manner. Example # Display the DTLS server status. <Huawei> display dtls server status DTLS-server-enable: True DTLS-server-listen-port: 10030 Table 14-4 Description of the display dtls serve...
stun server listening-port Support for NAT Configuration Hardware Requirements This section is applicable to all models. For details about differences for specific models, see the description in the corresponding section. display nat address-group Function The display nat address-group command displays th...
To produce more accurate and useful results, PortQry uses a two-step testing process.Step 1: Port status testPortQry reports the status of a port as one of three values:LISTENING: This response indicates that a process is listening on the target port. PortQry received ...
netstat -b:The-bparameter displays the executable (.EXE) involved in creating each connection or listening port. It is mainly useful for those who deal with network troubleshooting in a Windows server or a computer part of a domain. netstat -e:If you use an Ethernet connection rather than Wi...
bind((HOST,PORT)) print('Socket bind complete') s.listen(10) print('Socket now listening') conn,addr=s.accept() data = b"" payload_size = struct.calcsize(">L") print("payload_size: {}".format(payload_size)) while True: while len(data) < payload_size: print("Recv: {}"....
To produce more accurate and useful results, PortQry uses a two-step testing process. Step 1: Port status test PortQry reports the status of a port as one of three values: LISTENING: This response indicates that a process is listening on the target port. PortQry received a response from ...
On Windows, download and extract fortio.exe to any location, then using the Windows Command Prompt: fortio.exe server (at the prompt, allow the Windows firewall to let connections in) Once fortio server is ...
Router# show diameter peer iwan-view5 Peer information for iwan-view5 --- Peer name: iwan-view 5 Peer type: Server Peer transport protocol: TCP Peer listening port: 3688 Peer security protocol: IPSEC Peer connection timer value: 30 seconds Peer watch dog timer value: 35 seconds Peer vrf...