On the internet, you will find plenty of tools forchecking disk space usagein Linux. However, Linux has a strong built-in utility called ‘df‘. The ‘df‘ command stands for “disk filesystem“, it is used to get a full summary of available and used disk space usage of the file sys...
Press the left key to go back to the parent directory. Easy to use!! So lets take for example, if your un-attended mailbox has grown huge in size and the server is sending out disk space alarms, then fireup ncdu and get down to the right directory and do a rm *. Very handy! T...
By default, the df program displays the disk space in1-kilobyteblocks and the amount of utilized and available disk space in kilobytes. To show information about disk devices in human-readable format (kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and so on), use thedf commandwith the -h option: $df -h...
Check free disk space in Linux with df command Sometimes you want to know how much disk space is available for a particular folder in your system in the file system where that folder resides, so you can know it by simply using the ‘df’ with the folder you want to know about. df -...
Checking disk space in Linux using command-line 1.Starting simple withdfcommand dfstands for disk free, and it’s a nifty little command to get an overview of your system’s disk space usage. General syntax: df[OPTIONS]...[FILE]... ...
There are few more options supported by findmnt which can be found in the man page. Besides findmnt there are many other commands that can be used to check disk drives and mounted partitions on a linux system. Check this post for more: 10 Commands to Check Disk Partitions and Disk Space ...
There are two popularways to check disk usage in Linux terminal: du command and df command. Thedu command is more for checking the space used by a directoryand the df command gives you the disk utilization on filesystem level. The gdu tool sorts of combined the functionality of both. ...
To view all available df command options by typing man df in your terminal. To find out the disk space usage of files and directories, use the du command. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below. disk df terminal Related Tutorials Du Command in Linux How to Get the ...
This article will teach you to check disk space with the df command in Linux and how to use df command with multiple options in Linux/Unix.
badblocks command is used on a disk or partition to check whether any bad blocks are present. The following are few examples that will help you to identify bad blocks. Warning: Do not perform this command if you don’t know what you are doing. Combining this command with other disk relate...