AIX常用命令://查看机器序列号,IBM的基本信息都可以通过该命令查询得到 #prtconf #oslevel -r == uname -a //操作系统版本 #oslevel //查看操作系统版本ex : #oslevel -r //ex:5
响应时间和吞吐量会受到损害;对于这样的系统, 我们应提高警惕. 对于CPU性能可能存在瓶颈的系统,我们可以用 tprof 命令找出占用CPU时间最多的进程, 用 nice 或 renice 命令调整用户进程的优先级, 用 schedtune 命令修改调度程序
command ユーティリティーを使用すると、シェルは関数の検索を実行せずに、指定された引数を単純コマンドとして扱います。 command_name が特殊組み込みユーティリティーのいずれかの名前と同じ場合、特殊プロパティーは発生しません。その他の点では、 command_name が関数
<monitor#2>,...] ] \ [ STARTUP_MODE={background|foreground} clmgr add application_controller STARTSCRIPT=<path_to_start_script> \ STOPSCRIPT=<path_to_stop_script> CPU_USAGE_MONITOR=<"yes"> | <"no">
The -@ option may be specified to include workload partition names in the output. Note: The ps command does not show the decrease in the memory usage count when the application releases the memory. When the memory is released from the application, the memory is assigned to the per process...
Prints a usage message. -v Binds all keys to vi(1)-style bindings. Sets vimode. -- Forces a break from option processing, so the next word is taken as key even if it begins with ‘-’. key may be a single character or a string. If a command is bound to a string, the first...
AIX 64bit平台上需要安装jdk(jre) 1.7 32bit,64bit的不支持; filebeat可以直接输入到ES,但是系统中存在logstash直接输入到ES的情况,这将造成不同的索引类型造成检索复杂,最好统一输入到els 的源。 总结: logstash/filter总之各有千秋,但是我推荐选择:在每个需要收集的日志服务器上配置filebeat,因为轻量级,用于收集...
How can we check the number of hard disks (both internal & external) in a server, their capacity and serial number 4.AIX Hard disk usage is 100 Percent Busy for any command hi, AIX 5.3 For any command(say tar command) I am getting 100% busy for my hdisk. But my CPU and Memory ...
huge pages support --donate-level=N donate level, default 5% (5 minutes in 100 minutes) --user-agent set custom user-agent string for pool --max-cpu-usage=N maximum CPU usage for automatic threads mode (default 75) --safe safe adjust threads and av settings for current CPU --nicehash...
Linux_命令_手册(The Linux_ command manual _)1. cancel the logout command of the system 1. modify /etc/inittab Id:5:initdefault:Notes:0 - shutdown halt 1 - single mode Single user mode 2 - multiplayer mode without network functionality 3 - full multiplayer mode (text mode)4 - unused...