Change a player's score using a math operation on another player's score.Argumentsaction: ScoreboardPlayersNumAction Scoreboard players num action count: int An integer to set the score to. displayName: string A string for the display name. Default: <objective>. displaySlot: ScoreboardDisplay...
confusesuicide-Makesmobsattackoneanother creeper<explosion[enable|disable]>-Enablesordisablescreeperexplosions criticalhit[enable|disable]-Allowsyoutoturncriticalhitsalwayson/off clouds[enable|disable]-Allowsyoutoturncloudson/offviacommand cyclepainting-Cyclesthroughthepaintingwhichyouarepointingat damage-Turns...
Supplying a page number will change which page of commands to show.Whenever you want to know the usage and all of the syntaxes of a command, you can use /help followed by the name of the command. This can be helpful if you want an overview of the command....
to specify which flying mode to use fog [tiny|small|normal|far] - Changes the render distance freecam - Allows you to freecam around the map freezecam - Freezes the players camera at the current location freeze - Freezes mobs so that they cannot move or attack you gamemode - Changes the ...
no_ride_changeNo Ride Changesummons a ride only for entities that are neither riding on nor being ridden by another entity. reassign_ridesReassign Ridesmakes all riders dismount, then summons a ride for each entity. skip_ridersSkip Ridersskips summoning a ride for players who are already riding...
Change a player's score using a math operation on another player's score.Argumentsaction: ScoreboardPlayersNumAction Scoreboard players num action count: int An integer to set the score to. displayName: string A string for the display name. Default: <objective>. displaySlot: ScoreboardDisplay...
Change aplayer'sscoreusing a mathoperationon another player's score. Arguments action: ScoreboardPlayersNumAction Scoreboard players num action count: int Anintegerto set the score to. displayName: string Astringfor the display name. Default:<objective>. ...
Supplying a page number will change which page of commands to show.Whenever you want to know the usage and all of the syntaxes of a command, you can use /help followed by the name of the command. This can be helpful if you want an overview of the command....
Supplying a page number will change which page of commands to show.Whenever you want to know the usage and all of the syntaxes of a command, you can use /help followed by the name of the command. This can be helpful if you want an overview of the command....