1. add docker user group #cat/etc/group #view all usersgroups#sudocat/etc/shadow #view all users # if the docker user group not exist, then create docker user group using command as follows:sudogroupadd docker #add docker user group 2. add current user to docker user group sudogpasswd ...
并且可以在之前创建所需要的用户,例如:RUN groupadd -r postgres && useradd -r -g postgres postgres。要临时获取管理员权限可以使用 gosu,而不推荐 sudo。 WORKDIR 格式为 WORKDIR /path/to/workdir。 为后续的 RUN、CMD、ENTRYPOINT 指令配置工作目录。 可以使用多个 WORKDIR 指令,后续命令如果参数是相对路径,则...
实际上,既可以使用 docker load 命令来导入镜像存储文件到本地镜像库,也可以使 docker [container] import 命令来导入一个容器快照到本地镜像库 这两者的区别在于 容器快照文件将丢弃所有的历史记录和元数据信息 (即仅保存容器当时的快照状态),而镜像存储文件将保存完整记录,体积更大 此外,从容器快照文件导人时 可...
For more information, see Run Cloud Assistant commands as a regular user. test WindowsPasswordName string No The name of the password to use to run the command on a Windows instance. The name cannot exceed 255 characters in length. If you do not want to use the default System user to ...
Generate a temporary login command using the value of X-Swr-Dockerlogin in the response header and the value of host in the response body. Constraints None API Calling For details, see Calling APIs. URI POST /v2/manage/utils/secret Table 1 Query parameter Parameter Type Description projectnam...
The solution for me was to chmod /var/run/docker.sock with correct rightd considering that user/group inside container is not the user/group on the host. 2 Replies 13 days later fangzx Jun 2017 yes, I do like this: (1) In Dockerfile , just add RUN curl -fsSLO https...
Hello to all, i am trying to find out the user details of the docker repository logged in currently in the powershell , new to docker , trying some thing in linux command “whoami” or systeminfo | grep -i “Username” s…
xxx为文件名 查看操作系统 uname 详细使用见uname命令 1.Linux用户组管理 //添加用户组 # groupadd group1 //删除用户组...# groupdel group1 //修改用户组 # groupmod -g 102 group2 2.Linux用户管理 //添加用户并且指定其用户组 # useradd -s /bin/sh -...参考文章 菜鸟教程 linux用户与用户组 完...
I create a VM , ubuntu 22.04 with sudo user. I need chown -R user:user plugins storage and add user:1000:1000 to docker-compose.yaml other people use root run docker-compose file, no need to do anything. Copy link Author luojiyin1987commentedMar 22, 2023 ...