在Docker环境中,当你看到“command terminated with non-zero exit code: error executing in docker container: 137”这样的错误信息时,通常意味着Docker容器中的进程被系统强制终止了。下面我将根据你的要求逐一解释和分析这个问题。 非零退出代码137的含义: 在Unix和类Unix系统中,进程退出状态码(Exit Status Code...
Type: Bug The terminal process "C:\Users\wil_v\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\Microsoft.PowerShell_8wekyb3d8bbwe\pwsh.exe -Command npm run start" terminated with exit code: 1. VS Code version: Code 1.88.0 (5c3e652, 2024-04-03T13:26:...
gitlab-runner: Checking for jobs... received job=3052 repo_url=http://gitlab.xxx.com/xxx/center.git runner=ozIHYY1y WARNING: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1 duration=26.035822667s job=3052 project=1 runner=ozIHYY1y ERROR: Failed to process runner builds=0 error=command t...
There's a pop up "command terminated with exit code 126" The dashboard crashes and restart. Log rpcerror:code=13desc=invalidheaderfieldvalue"oci runtime error: exec failed: container_linux.go:247: starting container process caused \"exec: \\\"sh\\\": executable file not found in $PATH\...
Docker version: 18.06.3-ce Kubernetes version: v1.16.2 Gitlab version: Gitlab CE v12.4.2 values.yaml image:gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine-v12.4.1imagePullPolicy:IfNotPresentgitlabUrl:<gitlab url>runnerRegistrationToken:"<TOKEN>"unregisterRunners:trueconcurrent:10checkInterval:30rbac:create:trueclus...
解决办法: 1、查找Keil的安装路径,如对应的X:\XXX\Keil\ARM\BIN40\fromelf.exe(X:\XXX是安装Keil的路径)找到fromelf.exe命令; 2、在Keil中设置: 由于我的Keil直接安装在D盘下,故设置如上图中的3。 保存设置后,重新编译即可。
Enables the SDF unit-limit trigger for Rf-Gy interaction in Assume Positive scenario. Upon configuration of the CLI commandtrigger-type gy-sdf-unit-limit { cache | immediate }, when the session gets terminated during assume-positive case, ACR-Stop is sent with the container-lev...
user admin terminated session id web_34771_A 2021-10-11T21:39:52.703 internal 18405463 Creation Fabric A: remote user test1 logged in from 2021-10-11T21:39:44.351 internal 18405450 Deletion Fabric A: user test1 terminated session id pts_1_1_5725 firepower...
1 The command terminated with an error. Information about the error also appears. 2 The script file does not exist. - 18 - Command Line Interface and Script Commands for Version 10.77 Status Value Meaning 3 An error occurred while opening an output file. 4 A storage array was not at the...