Ask your system administrator if you are not sure. Remove sessions with the -wipe option. -L tells screen to turn on automatic output logging for the windows. -Logfile file By default logfile name is screenlog.0. You can set new logfile name with the -Logfile option. -m causes screen...
. That is why I tried to tweak the Command window using Windows API calls, just to realize that Foxtools.fll allows me to do it very simply with _EdGetEnv and _EdSetEnv. I have got good news in the meantime, as I found out why the above code did not work. _WFindTitl( "...
Did anyone figure out thebin/confthing? I have the same problem: org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileNotFoundException: Could not read from "file:///C:/Users/user/Desktop/application-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/bin/conf/some.file" because it is a not a file. ...
setenv UNZIP -qq OS/2 or MS-DOS: set UNZIP=-qq VMS (quotes for lowercase): define UNZIP_OPTS "-qq" Environment options are, in effect, considered to be just like any other command-line options, except that they are effectively the first options on the command line. To override ...
setenv UNZIP -qq OS/2 or MS-DOS: set UNZIP=-qq VMS (quotes for lowercase): define UNZIP_OPTS ""-qq"" Environment options are, in effect, considered to be just like any other command-line options, except that they are effectively the first options on the command line. To over...