系统未安装rpm命令:在某些Linux发行版中,rpm命令可能并不是默认安装的。例如,基于Debian的系统(如Ubuntu)默认使用dpkg和apt作为包管理工具,而不使用rpm。 环境变量配置问题:即使rpm命令已经安装,如果系统的环境变量没有正确配置,也可能导致终端无法找到rpm命令。 安装'rpm'命令的方法 对于不同的Linux发行版,安装rpm命令...
Command 'rpm' not found, but can be installed with:apt install rpm(找不到命令'rpm',但可以安装:apt安装rpm.) 也就是说安装一个rpm就可以了 解决方法: sudo apt-get install rpm 编辑 就ok了 对于类似的“sudo: gedit:找不到命令” 以及“Command 'rpm' not found, but can be installed with:...
You can run thecdcommand to change the current working directory. Configuration Impact Thecdcommand changes the working directory of only the current user but not other users because each user uses a separate working directory. Example # Change the current working directory to the directory named ...
Description of Issue/Question I am using the official postfix formula which privatized for Centos 6/7 and Debian 7/8. Formula can successfully applied to dozens of servers. But i got the "command not found" error on one of the CentOS 7 [...
In most Linux distributions, the FTP command comes pre-installed. However, if it’s not, you can install it in Debian based distributions like Ubuntu, by running the commandsudo apt-get install ftp. For distributions like CentOS that use RPM package manager, you would run the commandsudo yum...
Installselector commandfirst. You can use homebrew on OS X. brew install knqyf263/pet/pet If you receive an error (Error: knqyf263/pet/pet 64 already installed) duringbrew upgrade, try the following command brew unlink pet && brew uninstall pet (rm -rf /usr/local/Cellar/pet/64) brew...
Ntpdate Command Not Found If you try to run the ‘ntpdate’ command and get an error message like ‘ntpdate: command not found’, it usually means that ‘ntpdate’ is not installed on your system. You can install it using the package manager for your distribution. Here’s an example ...
Files with expired protection periods can be deleted but not changed by the file user or the system administrator. Controller The control logic in a disk or tape that performs command decoding and execution, host data transfer, serialization and deserialization of data, error detection and ...
# rpm -q yum If the command above shows the “package yum is not installed” message, then it means that the Yum package is indeed missing. Solution: Install Yum To resolve this issue, the yum package needs to be installed on the system. This can be achieved using the command shown be...
If provided message types was not found kafkactl will return error. Note that if you want to use raw proto files protoc installation don’t need to be installed. Also note that protoset files must be compiled with included imports: protoc -o kafkamsg.protoset --include_imports kafkamsg....