针对您遇到的问题“command 'rosrun' not found, but can be installed with:”,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 确认是否已安装ROS 首先,您需要确认您的系统中是否已经安装了ROS(Robot Operating System)。您可以通过在终端中运行以下命令来检查ROS是否已安装: bash ros --version 或者尝试运行ROS的一些...
When I want to start the daemon node of the remote computer on the local machine through the prompt of the interface, the following error message will occur, I don’t know if it can be used? Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/...
(node:events:517:28) npm verb stack at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1098:16) npm verb stack at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:303:5) npm verb pkgid puppeteer@21.6.1 npm verb cwd /home/matthijs/src/roslibjs npm verb Linux 6.2.0-37-generic npm ...
可是出了个”没有这一文件或档案“ 或者 ”command not found“提示,但那个目录下确确实实是有这个bin文件的,这个我确 分享363 ros吧 YLSGBLR ubuntu18.04 安装ros出现问题roscore输入命令: roscore 得到:command ' roscore' not found 哪位大佬知道怎么解决吗? 分享52 linux吧 伊洛大炳 nbtstat不能用咋回事呀?
在控制台输入mysql -u root -p 报错command not found,修改方法 在控制台输入mysql -u root -p 报错commandnotfound,修改方法我这边是环境变量未配置出现的错误,修改环境变量后就可以正常使用啦!!!解决方法: 1、输入sudovim .bash_profile 2、 添加mysql配置信息在export path后面输入:/usr/local/mysql/bin 如...
Jenkins 报mvn:command not found、npm:command not found 我们在使用Jenkins进行构建项目时,绝大部分会使用到maven、nodejs相关的命令,有很多小伙伴肯定遇到了明明在服务器已经安装好了maven、nodejs相关程序,并且在jenkins配置了maven但是在Jenkins shell、pipeline script中使用mvn、npm命令还是报command not found的...
在Ubuntu下,时不时会有这个错误的。 add-apt-repository: command not found $ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties ps -aux |grep distccd |grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}' |xargs kill -9 13316476216
Creating a new node with a subscriber, just to see the data on the topic, is really not a valuable use of your time. rostopic echo Get more info about the topic (rostopic info) So, you have found the topic on the list, and you can approximately guess what kind of data is publishe...
#lslpp -f bos.acct //出于AIX系统安全考虑, 需要使某些用户只能在控制台登录使用,而不允许远程登陆使用. 更改/etc/security/user 文件中需要限制的用户的rlogin属性(rlogin = false) 当再次尝试远程登录时, 系统报错:Remote logins are not allowed for this account, 表示修改成功 //如何自动logout用户 有的用...
hi, i know this is already covered in the troubleshooting section but the proposed solution sadly does not work in my case (both machines run ubuntu 14.04, indigo) To run a node on remote host, an SSH connection will be established witho...