如果你需要确认reghdfe是否已安装,可以运行以下Stata命令: stata which reghdfe 如果reghdfe未安装,你可以尝试通过以下命令安装它(如果可用): stata ssc install reghdfe, replace 请注意,如果ssc install命令无法找到reghdfe,你可能需要从其他源手动下载并安装它。 <br>🎯一键安装IDE插件,智能感知本地环境,...
如果以上方法都无法解决问题,我们可以尝试重新安装reghdfe。我们可以在Stata命令窗口中输入“ssc install reghdfe, replace”命令来重新安装reghdfe。 总之,reghdfe是一个非常有用的工具,可以帮助我们进行固定效应和随机效应的回归分析。如果我们遇到“reghdfe is unrecognized”的问题,我们可以尝试以上几种解决方法,以...
``command reghdfe_store_alphas is unrecognized". Doing the same with reghdfe works fine. I tried to follow all steps of an earlier post (sergiocorreia/reghdfe#148) and should have the latest versions installed (see below). Do you know what could cause the problem?
command reghdfe_store_alphas is unrecognized which reghdfe c:\ado\plus\r\reghdfe.ado *! version 5.7.1 20mar2019 . which ivreghdfe c:\ado\plus\i\ivreghdfe.ado *! ivreghdfe 1.0.0 07jul2018 *! this just adds absorb() to this code: *! ivreg2 4.1.10 9Feb2016 *! authors cf...