I am using macOS, very long time ago I install qtcreator. But I think I forgot to do something, so when I type qtcreator CMakeLists.txt, bash will tell me qtcreator command not found. I see the PATH is already added into the bash_profile. How could I fix this?
Ubuntu系统上使用QtCreator调试BNC -4.8.7 QtCreator:qt-creator-opensource-linux-x86_64-4.1.0 BNC: 2.12.13 调试配置1 首先,使用QtCreator...: 2 但此时若直接进行程序编译---调试,程序无法进行正常调试,且会有如下的警告: This doesnotseem to be a “Debug” Unity...
20:16 编辑 若终端打开还是不行,可以尝试在sudo qtcreator.sh启动状态下重新创建一个工程 ...
提示Could not find command-not-found database. 也就是系统没有识别已经安装的Qt。 根据之前折腾的经验,找到了解决办法: 找到以下文件: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/qt-default/qtchooser/default.conf 打开,第一行替换为Qt的实际安装路径。 /home/zhouyingge1104/Qt5.9.9/bin /usr/lib/arrch64-linux-gun...
This way it works, but it seems that it's not the way some IDEs work. I first noticed this with Qt Creator IDE, with the option to run the project in terminal. If I set it to use tilix, it works as intended, but if I set to use terminator -x or x-terminal-emulator -e (wit...
开发者ID:syntheticpp,项目名称:qt-creator,代码行数:101,代码来源:fakevim_test.cpp 示例2: test_vim_indent ▲点赞 7▼ voidFakeVimPlugin::test_vim_indent() { TestData data; setup(&data); data.doCommand("set expandtab"); data.doCommand("set shiftwidth=4"); ...
Hi, this is a follow up to my issue. I guess I found what's happening but I was not able to fix it... I did run an external gdb-multiarch remote debug session in MI mode using all the commands QtCreator passes to the debugger. However, I ...
in order to build on other OS, the easiest way would be to install QT and load the project in QtCreator How to use it in command line Syntax: ngPost (options)* (-i | --auto | --monitor )+ --help : Help: display syntax -v or --version : app version -c or --conf : use...
Arm Qt编译Qt例程出错 GLES3/gl3.h: No such file or directory 解决方法 2019-12-12 21:10 −工作环境 PC:Ubuntu18.04QtCreator: 4.8.2交叉编译环境:野火imxull6开发板提供的 5-编译工具链->qt交叉编译工具 在之前博客配置成功的交叉编译环境,编译Qt5.9.8自带部分Example时,出现 GLES3/gl3.h: No suc...
Modify the path where Qt for the given toolchain path is found (QTDIRmay be for instanceC:\Qt\Qt5.14.1\5.14.1\msvc2017_64) Runautogen_and_build.bat. The application can be found atrelease/folder. Build using QtCreator First, it is needed to configure QtCreator by enabling the MSVC too...