When I run that program in IDE a command prompt pops open and I "Hello World" displayed inside it. On Windows 7, 64 bit the default command prompt opens in non-admin privilege mode. There should be a way to tell Visual Studio 2010 to open the command prompt with admin privileges....
In the latest version of Windows, Command Prompt (CP) option was removed from context menu when users right-click on Windows button at the left-bottom corner. It is replace with Windows Powershell. This has led many to think they are the same program but they are not, actually. To preve...
devmgmt.msc 或 mmcdevmgmt.msc
C# SqlCommand with multiple statements - how to? C# SSIS Script to Read Flat File and Place into C# stack trace with variable values C# Start program in administration rights C# Start Program with different user credentials C# static Data Access Layer C# Stop Socket.Accept() C# stop/start code...
This command requires Admin rights which i don't know how to get. Also while searching for previous answers i found i can use elevate.exe as Runtime.getRuntime().exec("c:/elevate Rundll32.exe Powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState "); Elevate.exe is doing the task but is consuming too much of...
At a command prompt, run: scoop install sudo To run a command with Administrator rights, simply run it with sudo: sudo .\myscript.ps1 You will be shown a UAC dialog before the command is run. Share Follow edited Aug 28, 2023 at 8:36 answered Aug 27, 2023 ...
是win9x 的系统吧,似乎遇到过,也不清楚。。意思是“访问失败:命令提示符被管理员禁用”,你是不是设置了什么开机运行的软件不太兼容啊,取消开机运行试试~~~
Open the Command Prompt Tab in Windows Terminal Right-click theWindowsicon and chooseWindows Terminal (Admin). Click the down arrow icon and chooseCommand Prompt. Alternatively, press theCTRL + SHIFT + 2keys on the keyboard to launch Command Prompt. ...
This topic describes how to open a command prompt with full administrator permissions. If your user account is a member of the Administrators group, but is not the Administrator account itself, then, by default, the programs that you run only have standard user permissions. You must explicitly ...