Exactly, you can just watch Star Wars Episode IV from the command prompt! Yes, you read that right. You can watch an ASCII version of the full Star Wars !
Command Prompt also known ascmdis one of the most importanttoolsin the Windows operating system, it looks plain and confusing at first sight. But has so many functions that can save one from some unexpected issues, programmers and hardware specialist often refer back to the command prompt time ...
Command Prompt is an integral part of Windows since its origin. Though the Command Prompt terminal is hidden under the covers in Windows, it is still useful to run scans, locate some particular files fast and so many ways more. Then some other cool things are possible only by using the Co...
CMD Command Prompt (Microsoft Windows) CMD Command CMD Carbon Monoxide Detector CMD Chinese Medicine Doctor (medical title) CMD Capital Markets Division (various locations) CMD California Micro Devices CMD Chairman and Managing Director CMD Chief Managing Director (various companies) CMD Computational Mate...
Advanced Command Prompt Tricks and Tips, to help you make working with CMD in Windows 11/10 much easier and quicker. Use these to work efficiently!
To exit CMatrix and return to your regular command prompt, simply pressCtrl + Cin your terminal. CMatrix is a fun and nostalgic utility that can create an eye-catching visual effect in your terminal. You can customize it to suit your preferences and enjoy the "Matrix" experience right in yo...
Here is the fastest way to open a command prompt in the desired directory in Microsoft File Explorer! Once you are more comfortable with the Command Prompt, !
Believe it or not, the Mac GUI can't do everything -- or at least not as quickly or powerfully as these command-line utilities
The following command stops an in-progress StarOS upgrade: abort upgrade active-charging service Creates an active charging service (ACS). Product ACS Privilege Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator Mode Exec The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mo...
Very clear. If the script hits the topic output, the Expect script will send programming and if the script hits movie output the expect script will send star wars. Isn’t cool? If else Conditions You can use if/else clauses in expect scripts like this: ...