安装的啥版本啊,10的就打开IDLE就行呗,Pro直接用Jupyter Notebook呗。话说,可以直接打开arcgis pro所...
Custom Confirmation Prompt1.23.0The default confirmation prompt can be overridden with [confirm(PROMPT)]:[confirm("Are you sure you want to delete everything?")] delete-everything: rm -rf *GroupsRecipes and modules may be annotated with a group name:[group('lint')] js-lint: echo 'Running...
一个把 Python 命令行工具转化成 GUI 桌面工具的库。就我个人还是喜欢命令行的形式。Turn (almost) any Python command line program into a full GUI application with one line - tutumomo/Gooey
To install or configure your SQL Server instance from the command prompt, open an administrative command prompt and navigate to where setup.exe is located within the SQL Server Setup media. Run the setup.exe command, along with the required and optional parameters that accomplish what you're ...
Open a terminal app. Run commands below to start IDE (replacing the installation path, IDE name and version number to your installed ones): cd'~/Software/IntelliJ IDEA 2023.3/bin' ./idea.sh If you are using adifferentIDE, you need to use thecorrespondingcommand ./<IDE name>.sh such ...
OMD[mysite]:~$tree-L3locallocal├── bin├── lib│ ├── apache│ ├── check_mk -> python3/cmk│ ├── nagios│ │ └── plugins│ ├── python│ └── python3│ └── cmk└── share├── check_mk│ ├── agents│ ├── alert_handlers│ ├── checkman│ ├...
Before activating the package, a message will prompt users as to whether they want to continue. The all keyword allows you to enable prompts. The none keyword disables prompts. add Copies files from a remote location (via FTP, TFTP) to a device, and performs a compatibility check ...
find VS msvs_version not set from command line or npm config npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS VCINSTALLDIR not set, not running in VS Command Prompt npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS unknown version "undefined" found at "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community"npm ERR! gyp ERR! fin...
To undo this change and roll back the program to its previous version, issue this command: $ yum history undo 7 As usual, yum will summarize the changes to be made and ask if you’d like to proceed with a Y/N prompt. Enter Y, and the specified transaction will be undone. ...
Performs a post-install environment check. -s SecretKey Specifies the secret key on the command line required to decrypt sensitive data in the cluster definition file and suppresses the prompt for the secret key. If you do not specify a secret key, the installation toolkit uses the encryption ...