-show-prompt-message Y/n Show prompt message or not. -show-languages Y/n Show source and target languages or not. -show-original-dictionary y/N Show dictionary entry of original text or not. -show-dictionary Y/n Show dictionary entry of translation or not. -show-alternatives Y/n Show ...
This section describes meta-commands provided by gsql after the GaussDB(DWS) database CLI tool is used to connect to a database. A gsql meta-command can be anything that you enter in gsql and begins with an unquoted backslash. Precautions The format of the gsql meta-command is a ...
Within a parameter, text enclosed in double quotation marks ("") is taken as a command line input to the shell. The command output (with any trailing newline removed) is taken as a parameter. If an unquoted argument begins with a colon (:), the parameter is taken as agsqlvariable and...