网络复制;选择显示检阅器 网络释义
Option-Command-下箭头键 清除到上一个标记 Command-L 清除到上一个书签 Option-Command-L 清除到开头 Command-K 在标记之间选择 Shift-Command-A 其他快捷键 操作 快捷键 进入或退出全屏幕 Control-Command-F 显示或隐藏颜色 Shift-Command-C 打开“终端”偏好设置 ...
LIST COMMAND OPTIONS指令會列出環境變數的現行設定:DB2BQTIME、DB2DQTRY、DB2RQTIME、DB2IQTIME、DB2OPTIONS。 授權 無 必要連線 無 指令語法 LIST COMMAND OPTIONS 指令參數 無 範例 以下是來自LIST COMMAND OPTIONS的範例輸出: Command Line Processor Option Settings Backend process wait time (seconds) (DB2BQ...
软件安装错误Command line option syntax error,新电脑或者系统重装之后会提示各种各样的安装错误,其实这和软件一般没有直接关系,是电脑系统的问题,现在教您解决:1)、怎么解决在安装软件时出现的MicrooftViualC++2005ReditriutaleCommadlieotioytaxerror。2)、安装完
job_id Specifies the jobs or job arrays thatbjobsdisplays. -h Displays a description of the specified category, command option, or sub-option tostderrand exits. -V PrintsLSFrelease version tostderrand exits.
anadministrative installationrequires using both /p and /a. The options /t, /c and /g should only be used with /j. The options /l and /q can be used with /i, /x, /f[p|o|e|d|c|a|u|m|s|v], /j[u|m], /a, and /p. The option /n can be used with /i, /f, /x...
PROFILE_PRELIB="-L<path_to_myprof>/lib -lmyprof" PROFILE_INCPATHS="-I<paths_to_myprof>/include" Use the-profile=myprofoption for the relevant compiler wrapper to select this new profile. -t or -trace Use the-tor-traceoption to link the resulting executable file against the Intel® ...
Note The /adminfile command-line option can be used only during the initial installation of the product. We recommend that you keep the customization files in the Updates folder at the root of the network installation point. When you do this, you do not have to specify the file on the co...