Hello! I am currently trying to upgrade from NDS to openNDS and I got the advice from @bluewavenet to remove the existing libmicrohttpd-dev and nodogsplash. I was able to remove lib with apt-get remove - but when I try to "opkg remove no...
针对你提出的问题“openwrt command not found: ssh-keygen”,我会按照提供的提示进行分点回答: 确认OpenWrt系统环境: 确保你正在使用的是OpenWrt系统。OpenWrt是一个为嵌入式设备设计的Linux发行版,常用于路由器和其他网络设备。 检查ssh-keygen命令是否安装: 在OpenWrt中,ssh-keygen 命令通常不是默认安装的,因...
To be able to install a package, thefeeddefined in the/etc/opkg, should be updated. If this is not done, the installation will be terminated with the error message:Unknown package... Always enter the following command before installing: opkg...
复制 hankf@XSZGS4:zcu102_10g_ethernet_CSO$ petalinux-build...ERROR:opkg-utils-0.4.5-r0 do_compile:oe_runmake failedERROR:opkg-utils-0.4.5-r0 do_compile:ExecutionError('/tmp/work/cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux/opkg-utils/0.4.5-r0/temp/run.do_compile.46656',1,None,None)ERROR:Logfileo...
我是国外的VPS,用的docker,安装了apt-get依赖 + CURL库后, 重新运行 make -j1 download V=s 下载dl库的日志,有以下错误 1.bash: mipsel-openwrt-linux-musl-gcc: command not found 2.grep: /lede/lede/build_dir/target-mipsel_24kc_musl/linux-ramips_mt7621/linux-4.
| pod2man -r""-c"opkg-utils Documentation"opkg-build opkg-build.1 | /bin/sh: pod2man:commandnot found | make: *** [Makefile:26: opkg-build.1] Error 127 | ERROR: oe_runmake failed | WARNING: /tmp/work/cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux/opkg-utils/0.4.5-r0/temp/run.do_compile....
Commands; sub main { my $dbp = new RoPkg::DB(); $dbp->Add('dbi:mysql:database=mysql;host=localhost', 'root', '', 'local'); my $m = new RoPkg::Simba::Commands(dbo => $dbp, dbo_method => 'db_local'); print $m->Count,' commands found in database',$/; } main();...
automake autoconf ccache chkconfig glib-networking glibmm boost zlib packagegroup-fsl-tools-testapps cmake binutils bluez5 elfutils distcc packagegroup-core-buildessential python python3 python3-dbus python3-setuptools python-pygobject python3-pip python3-git opkg glib-2.0 util-linux pkgconfig dbus ...
I tried it on my computer it's not found. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Matthias_H_Intel Employee 10-08-2014 08:24 AM 1,536 Views which command you refer to? btw: I suppose you are trying to run the lcd demo locally on your computer rather than remotely. ...
opkg update opkg install libwolfssl5.2.0.99a5b54a root@HOME01:/usr/sbin# curl Error relocating /usr/bin/curl: curl_easy_header: symbol not found Error relocating /usr/bin/curl: curl_easy_nextheader: symbol not found but this fixed the issue opkg install libcurl 1 Like alzhao August 15...