ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended 是Oracle 数据库中的一个常见错误,通常表示 SQL 语句的语法存在问题,或者语句没有正确结束。以下是根据你的提示,对可能导致此错误的原因进行的详细分析和解决方法: 确认完整的SQL命令语句: 确保你的 SQL 语句是完整的,并且符合 Oracle 的语法要求。例如,一个基本的 SEL...
但使用Oracle.DataAccess或者Oracle.ManagedDataAccess执行该语句的时候,报错: ORA 00933: SQL command not properly ended 这令我百思不得其解,后来通过测试发现:把最后的分号去掉就可以了,即变成: deletefromd1whereIDin(selectd1.IDfromd1joind2ond1.d2ID=d2.IDwhered2.xxx='...') 这里Mark一下,如果有...
4.在SELECT语句中使用了UNION或UNION ALL,并且在非结尾的地方使用了ORDER BY 5.在SELECT语句表之间忘记了逗号, 6.在Oracle 8i中使用INNER JOIN或类似的关键词(这些是在Oracle 9i中实现的) 7.遗漏逗号,遗漏括号,子语句使用错误 ... 比较好的博客有How To Resolve ORA-00933 SQL Command Not Properly Ended 可...
在ORACLE数据库中不支持我上面的这种修改的写法,不能如此使用FROM这个关键字,应该这样来写才对(如下所示:)! UPDATEASETID=(SELECTIDFROMBWHEREA.NAME=B.NAME ) 参考: 1:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8940471/sql-error-ora-00933-sql-command-not-properly-ended 2:http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882...
SELECT to_char( (s1.in_process_time -TO_DSINTERVAL( '0 8:00:00' ) ),'YYYY-MM-DD') as "测试日期", (k1.PM - k2.PM) as "功率差" FROM SAJET.G_SN_RULE_STATUS s1 SAJET.G_SN_RULE_STATUS k0 (select s1.serial_number,s1.PM FROM s1 LEFT JOIN k0 ON k0.serial_number = s1....
你提示的错误应该不是出现在这个SQL 。你最好提供相对完整的程序来看看。我怀疑你是执行了: execute immediate '...;' 里面带了 ;
SELECT employee_id, first_name FROM employees ORDER BY employee_id FETCH FIRST 5 ROWS ONLY; ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended 00933. 00000 - "SQL command not properly ended" *Cause: *Action: Error at Line: 4 Column: 1
The following error occurs when running a report against an Oracle database: DMS-E-GENERAL, A general exception has occurred during operation 'prepare request' ORA-00933 SQL command not properly ended. Resolving The Problem 1. If you are using type-in SQL with date prompts you may also recei...
Oracle Communications Order and Service Management - Version 7.0.3 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.SymptomsIn OSM and the user receive the error "SQL command not properly ended" when configure your Worklist Preferences.To reproduce the error:1) Deploy the att...
SELECT ID FROM B WHERE A.NAME=B.NAME ) (ORA-00933:SQL命令没有正确的结束)导致原因: 1:可能SQL语句中关键字前后缺少空格 2:Oracle 给表起别名时,直接在表名的后面空格别名就可以,不需要AS 3:SQL 语句中缺少关键字或者多了某个关键字,比如:AND ...