这个错误的原因是apt-get是Debian及其衍生版(如Ubuntu)的包管理器,而Mac OS是基于BSD的操作系统,并不包含apt-get。因此,当你在Mac的终端中尝试运行apt-get命令时,系统会提示“command not found”。 2. 提供在Mac上替代apt-get的包管理器 在Mac上,常用的包管理器有Homebrew和MacPorts。其中,Homebrew是最受欢迎...
sudo: apt-get: command not found apt-get是debian(Ubuntu)才有的包管理器,而在Apple 的OS X系统中是没有的。 brew(全称Homebrew)是Mac OSX上的软件包管理工具,能在Mac中方便的安装软件或者卸载软件。brew的这个网站(http://brew.sh)上有对其的一个简单的介绍。 Homebrew安装命令如下: 1 ruby -e"$(curl...
apt-get is intended for installing packages on Linux systems. Homebrew is the equivalent for the Mac. It looks like Mac installs are still not officially supported; but some people have been successful in installing on their Macs. I checked to see what I could find regarding Mac installs, ...
in most cases, there are only three actions that can lead to a ‘sudo: apt-get: command not found’ message: upgrading your Mac’s operating system (OS), installing incompatible software on your machine, or updating a program so that its previous version no longer works correctly. ...
apt-get command not found. when i am trying to install fink to get apt-get it fails to install because the fink is only for 10.5 version OS but i am using high sierra . can anyone tell me any other way to get the apt-get or how to install fink in high sierra....
在MacBookPro上遇到pip: command not found问题时,可能是由于pip未安装或未正确配置所致。你可以尝试以下解决方案来解决问题:首先,确认pip是否已经安装。打开终端,并输入以下命令:命令1: curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py这将下载get-pip.py脚本到本地。接下来,运行以下命令来安装pip...
sudo: apt-get: command not found linux中: 执行sudo apt-get installopenssh-server 报错 使用的是CentOS, 下载的时候 使用yum不要用apt-get sudo yum install openssh-server 可以解决 ma成: https://blog.csdn.net/camlot_/article/details/47424671...
As per the brew doctor, my mac does have fink and macports installed as well. I will try and find some resources for them and try my luck using them. Thanks again for your help guys. 🙂 Reply of 1 sudo apt-get command not found....
Docker启动ubuntu容器中使用sudo后报错,bash: sudo: command not found 2019-12-12 15:20 −出错问题: docker启动ubuntu容器后,使用sudo命令会出现如下报错: 解决方法: 需更新下软件源 apt-get update apt-get install sudo... 海大富_上海 0 6375 ...
Docker启动ubuntu容器中使用sudo后报错,bash: sudo: command not found 2019-12-12 15:20 −出错问题: docker启动ubuntu容器后,使用sudo命令会出现如下报错: 解决方法: 需更新下软件源 apt-get update apt-get install sudo... 海大富_上海 0 6368 ...