[root@server2 congfigmap]# mv www.conf default.conf [root@server2 congfigmap]# kubectl create configmap nginx-config --from-file=default.conf ##创建cm [root@server2 congfigmap]# kubectl get cm [root@server2 congfigmap]# kubectl describe cm nginx-config [root@server2 congfigmap]# kubectl ...
dnsmap: command not found you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution: dnsmap Command Examples 1. Scan for subdomains using the internal wordlist: # dnsmap example.com 2. Specify a list of subdomains to check for: # dnsmap example.com -w path/to/wordlist...
Error: "make: quartus_map: Command not found" Subscribe More actions JKing29 Beginner 05-07-2019 07:01 AM 2,211 Views I'm trying to compile a quartus project using a makefile, getting this error.Can't find much help about quartus_map, but I've do...
第一种情况:未安装nvm 第二种情况:安装成功nvm,但输入命令提醒“ command not found” 第一种解决办法: centos/redhat系统直接下载安装nvm curl https://raw.github.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.11/install.sh | sh 1. 第二种解决办法: 1.进入执行者的家目录下的.nvm隐藏文件夹 cd ~/.nvm 1. 2.查看目录...
easy vpn "crypto map MAP isakmp authorization list LIST" command not found Go to solution asdg Level 1 09-02-2020 09:35 PM - edited 09-02-2020 09:53 PM EVS(config)#crypto map MAP ?<1-65535> Sequence to insert into crypto map entryclient Specify client configurati...
importnet.minecraft.command.CommandNotFoundException;//导入依赖的package包/类@OverridepublicvoidonEvent(CommandEvent event){if(event.getCommand()instanceofDummyCommand && !((DummyCommand) event.getCommand()).isClient()) { String command =null;if(isSenderOfEntityType(event.getSender(), EntityPlayer...
Gets or sets a value that indicates that rendered content should be cached as a composited bitmap when possible. (Inherited from UIElement) CanBeScrollAnchor Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the UIElement can be a candidate for scroll anchoring. (Inherited from UIElement) CanDr...
sqmap coomand not found this error occure Member stamparm commented Jul 22, 2020 @viniciusmarangoni what exactly is sqmap ??? 😄 1 Contributor viniciusmarangoni commented Aug 5, 2020 @stamparm I think you mean "@vishvajeetchauhan12345" Member stamparm commented Aug 5, 2020 @vinicius...
(1)进入nfs查看到机器上脚本内容,并进行执行。执行同样报错:hive:command not found。 (2)在安装了hive的客户端执行:hive,可以进行hive。 执行一条hive语句:show tables ;命令行正确执行,可得hive正常。 执行一条select语句检查mapreduce是否存在问题。
404 InvalidCmdId.NotFound The specified command ID does not exist. 指定的 CommandId 参数有误,请检查参数值是否正确。您可以通过接口 DescribeCommands 查询所有可用的 CommandId。 404 InvalidResourceGroup.NotFound The ResourceGroup provided does not exist in our records. 资源组并不在记录中。 404 Invali...