" zsh: command not found: "这个错误相信大家都不陌生,以前每次遇到这个问题都是Google一下,然后告诉你在 xxx 文件添加 xxx 文字,或者在Terminal运行 xxx 命令即可,有些work,有些不行。问题通常发生在局部安装了某个Terminal程序之后,此时程序可能在某个ruby gem的bin目录下,或者Application下(如...
I get the following when first starting Terminal in OS X 10.11.4. The load command is a Ruby command, not a Bash or UNIX command. You would use it within the Interactive Ruby Shell (irb) as discussed in this article. # The following will load and execute mycode.rb in the current dir...
2,在上面的路径中找一个合适的路径,如/usr/bin或者/usr/local/bin,然后在这个路径下创建一个指向not found那个程序的软链接。 当然,你也可以像rbenv那样直接将程序所在路径或者一些特定的*/bin整个加到export中。 3,你需要找到not found的这个程序在什么位置,比如: subl在/Applications/Sublime\ Text\2.app/Cont...
在上面的路径中找一个合适的路径,如/usr/bin或者/usr/local/bin,然后在这个路径下创建一个指向not found那个程序的软链接。 当然,你也可以像rbenv那样直接将程序所在路径或者一些特定的*/bin整个加到export中。 你需要找到not found的这个程序在什么位置,比如: subl在/Applications/Sublime\ Text\ 2.app/Contents/...
在linux下,java程序调用脚本load.sh出现commandnotfound load.sh内容如下: folderpath='/db2data/sqlldr/data/' curdate=$(date+%Y%m%d) exportpath=$folderpath$curdate exportPATH=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_16/bin:/opt/ibm/db2/V9.1/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_16/jre/lib ...
WinGet.CommandNotFound Christopher Nguyen We are pleased to announce the release of ! This PowerShell module is a feedback provider plugin for PowerShell that leverages the Windows Package Manager to provide suggestions for packages to install when a native command cannot be found. The command-line...
利用Anaconda创建了一个python3.7的环境,后续通过pip install命令安装很多包时,均遇到了ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'setuptools.command.build',遇见了很多次,我去网上查看,好多人都遇见了这个问题,我尝试了很多人推荐的的方法,都无法解决问题:
위치 줄:1 문자:1 cmdlet + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (cmdlet:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException VS Code version: Code 1.62.3 (ccbaa2d, 2021-11-17T08:11:14.551Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22000 ...
dependencies are getting installed as I can see them in console outputs for that stage in Jenkins UI. But when I am running a cmd for that , I am facindcommand not founderror. I am new to Jenkins and would like someone expertise on this to unblock me on my project. Exact Dependency ...
useUnicode=true&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&characterEncoding=UTF8&autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false&&allowLoadLocalInfile=false&autoDeserialize=false&allowLocalInfile=false&allowUrlInLocalInfile=false\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t],\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\"querySql\": [\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"select 'db...