find 是 Linux 中强大的搜索命令,不仅可以按照文件名搜索文件,还可以按照权限、大小、时间、inode 号等来搜索文件。但是 find 命令是直接在硬盘中进行搜索的,如果指定的搜索范围过大,find命令就会消耗较大的系统资源,导致服务器压力过大。所以,在使用 find 命令搜索时,不要指定过大的搜索范围。 find 命令的基本信息...
find | grep luoluo 将当前目录及子目录的文件名中含有luoluo的文件过滤出来 | 是管道,把find查找的内容传递给下个命令(grep) find后面不加其他内容(比如路径)表示打印出当前目录及子目录 grep -r "luoluo" ./ find | xargs grep luoluo 将当前目录及子目录的文件内容中含有luoluo的行过滤出来 find . -name ...
find /usr -type f -mtime 2 检索 /usr 下两天前被修改过的文件 如果觉得 -mtime 等选项以天为单位时间有点长,还可以使用 -mmin,-amin,-cmin 三个选项: find /usr -type f -mtime +50 -mtime -100 检索 /usr 下 50 到 100 天之前修改过的文件 find /usr -type f -mtime 2 -amin 5 检索 /...
105 Linux find and grep command together 0 Using locate, pipe and grep to find files with certain keywords in their names 2 How to use grep to find in a directory by a regex? 0 Using find and grep in a specifc file in a specific directory 0 Search for files...
The Linux Find command can filter objects recursively using a simple conditional mechanism, and if you use the -exec flag, you’ll also be able to find a file in Linux straightaway and process it without needing to use another command.
find Command Examples Thefindcommand is a versatile tool inLinuxfor locating files and directories based on various criteria. The following sections present practical examples demonstrating how to usefindto search by file name, type, size, and more. ...
For instance, to search for a file with the permission of 644, we can use the following command in Terminal: $ find . -type f -perm 644 Method 2: Using Locate command There is another command, Locate, that you can use to search for files under Linux. It does not offer as many sea...
Here are the 15 Ways to find files in Unix and Linux 1. By file name This is the most common test in find command where full or partial file name is known. Wild cards are accepted. -name pattern Searches the base file names by removing directory names and slashes. ...
The find command is one of the most useful Linux commands, especially when you're faced with the hundreds and thousands of files and folders on a modern computer. As its name implies, find helps you find things, and not just by filename....
Linux command find 【Purpose】 Learning linux command nmon 【Eevironment】 Ubuntu 16.04 terminal 【Procdeure】 example1: find file size bigger than 50M find ./ -type f -size +500000k