Print a short description of all command line options. 打印所有命令行选项的简短说明。 -V --version Print the Python version number and exit. Example output could be: 打印Python版本号并退出。示例输出可以是: Python 3.8.0b2+ When given twice, print more information about the build, like: 当给...
If you do not specify the Name parameter, the printenv command displays the current environment, showing one Name =Value sequence per line. If you specify a Name parameter that you have not defined in the environment, the printenv command returns an exit status of 1; otherwise it returns a...
Since Visual Studio 2015, the Developer Command Prompt sets the VSCMD_VER environment variable which contains the version information for Visual Studio (ex: 17.9.0). If you need to detect whether the Developer Command Prompt has already been run in your console, it is recommended to check ...
The CLP command options can be specified by setting the command line processor DB2OPTIONS environment variable (which must be in uppercase), or with command line flags.
3.1.3 Environment variables makensis checks a number of environment variables that tell it where to locate the things it needs in order to create installers. These variables include: NSISDIR,NSISCONFDIR- Places where nsis data and config files are installed.NSISDIRalters the script variable${NSIS...
Depending on the result of the operation, the%ERRORLEVEL%environment variable is set to one of the following values: ValueResult 0Operation completed successfully 740Elevation required 1001Visual Studio installer process is running 1003Visual Studio is in use ...
For instance, hitting CTRL-T at the end of the following command-line ls /var/ will list all files and directories under /var/. When using a custom FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND, use the unexpanded $dir variable to make use of this feature. $dir defaults to . when the last token is not a ...
To specify an alternate login path file name, set theMYSQL_TEST_LOGIN_FILEenvironment variable. See the introduction to this section regarding constraints on the position in which this option may be specified.
q1/nwsales). If you do not specify the full path name, the Oracle Reports file searching method is used to find the file. If you do not specify a path for a keyword value that includes a file name, the Reports Server will try to find the file from theREPORTS_PATHenvironment variable...
1# 2import sys 3 4print(f"Name of the script : {sys.argv[0]=}") 5print(f"Arguments of the script : {sys.argv[1:]=}") Here’s how this code works: Line 2 imports the internal Python module sys. Line 4 extracts the name of the program by accessing the first elemen...