On the command line of the machine on which the Client SDK is installed, change to opensso-client-zip-root/sdk/scripts and run chmod to make the scripts executable. # cd opensso-client-zip-root/sdk/scripts # chmod 755 *.sh Execute compile-samples.sh to compile the scripts. # cd ....
CommandLineConfiguration Rappresenta la configurazione utilizzata da Parser. CommandLineConfigurationException Indica che una configurazione della riga di comando non è valida. CompletionSourceExtensions Fornisce metodi di estensione per l'uso delle origini di completamento. CompletionSourceList Elenco...
awesome-osx-command-line: Una guida approfondita sulla linea di comando in Mac OSX Strict modeper scrivere script migliori shellcheck: Un tool di analisi per script shell. Praticamente lint per bash/sh/zsh. Filenames and Pathnames in Shell: Un compendio sul come gestire nomi dei file e ...
A set of commandline tools for publishing eBooks as Gihub page, pdf and ePub from a repository of markdown files. - GitHub - bboc/mdtools: A set of commandline tools for publishing eBooks as Gihub page, pdf and ePub from a repository of markdown files.
System.CommandLine Étapes suivantes Pour la prise en main de System.CommandLine, consultez les ressources suivantes : Tutoriel : démarrage avec System.CommandLine Vue d’ensemble de la syntaxe de la ligne de commande Pour en savoir plus, consultez les ressources suivantes : ...
Using a client system, access a command line and establish a Secure Shell (SSH) connection to the service processor’s IP address with the following command: ssh -l root sp_ip_address For example, to connect to the SP with the DHCP-assigned IP address of, type the following...
Command line argumentsPor lo general, Unity se ejecutará haciendo doble click en el icono del escritorio, pero también es posible ejecutarlo desde la línea de comandos (ej. la terminal de MacOS o una ventana de símbolo del sistema en Windows). Cuando se inicia de esta manera, Unity ...
The display ospf avoid-microloop information command displays anti-micro-loop information. Format display ospf [ process-id ] avoid-microloop information [ area { area-id | area-id-ipv4 } ] [ destnodeid destNodeId ] [ flex-algo flex-algo-id ] Parameters ParameterDescriptionValue process-id...
AWS Command Line Interface AWS CLI Per elencare i AWS CLI comandi per S3 Glacier, usa il seguente comando. aws glacier help Nota Per riferimenti ai comandi ed esempi aggiuntivi, aws glacier consultate la sezione Command Reference.AWS CLI Argomenti Prerequisiti Crea un vault Amazon S3 ...
<Huawei> system-view [Huawei] mpls ldp [Huawei-mpls-ldp] capability-announcement Warning: All the related sessions will be deleted if the operation is performed !Continue? (y/n)y diffserv-mode Function The diffserv-mode command configures a DiffServ mode for MPLS L3VPN labels to implement en...