git commit -m "添加你的注释,一般是一些更改信息" 下面是第一次提交时的输出: $ git commit-m"添加项目"[master(root-commit)3102a38]添加项目18files changed,1085insertions(+)create mode100644GitTest.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj create mode100644GitTest.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata...
如果用过git客户端应该知道,我们在提交代码前应该pull下,把github上代码拉取到本地,看你自己修改的代码是否和github上最新的代码是否有修改冲突,如果有冲突就解决,再进行提交,是不是很熟悉呀。 git commit -m "your comment" 提交描述信息,此时代码还是在本地的哦,这和svn有区别,比svn多了一步。双引号内容为你...
However, the command line is required for advanced tasks, like fixing complex merge conflicts or rolling back commits. If you’re new to Git and want to learn by working in your own project, learn how to make your first commit.
git checkout john/jenkins_code # New file to wanted path and add the file to git branch git add jenkins # Get branch status git status # Commit changes to local branch ,, format git commit -a -m "<package name>: fix [bug number], comments for the changes" git commit -a -m "in...
Command-line Git One option is to spawn a shell process and use the Git command-line tool to do the work. This has the benefit of being canonical, and all of Git’s features are supported. This also happens to be fairly easy, as most runtime environments have a relatively simple facili...
右边就是commit的上一个版本,通过这个界面,就可以很清晰的看到每个文件中修改的内容,不想commit这一段修改的话,可以直接在中间那个1的地方点一下,有don't commit 和 discard change两个选项,第一个选项就是不提交这段修改到git中,第二个是去掉这段修改,去掉的意思是会在源码中也去掉。
git commit -m"Initial commit" git push -u origin master Existing Git repository 1 2 3 4 5 cdexisting_repo git remote rename origin old-origin git remote add origin git push -u origin --all git push -u origin --tags...
", "release": "npm run set-version; npm run build && npm publish && npm run changelog", "set-version": "npm version $(npx git-changelog-command-line --print-next-version)", "changelog": "npx git-changelog-command-line -of && git commit -a -m 'chore: changelog' &&...
$ git add ci/ && git commit git push the release branch $ git push -f origin release 🚨 To trigger 🛣 the release manually on Jenkins. Goto and click ▶ Build Now Once started click on...
The Art of Command Line Note: I'm planning to revise this and looking for a new co-author to help with expanding this into a more comprehensive guide. While it's very popular, it could be broader and a bit deeper. If you like to write and are close to being an expert on this mat...