"package command-line-arguments is not a main package" 这个错误通常发生在当我们运行一个Java程序时。错误提示中的"package"指的是Java中的包,它是Java中用于组织类和接口的一种机制。一个Java程序通常包含多个包,每个包中包含若干类和接口。而"main package"则是指包含main方法的包,它是Java程序的入口点。
jClap JAR包含使用Java SE 6 ( 主要版本50 )编译的类文件,因此应与运行在Java SE 6之前的版本的Java应用程序一起使用。 所有参数都从Argument实例作为String检索(没有类型的参数)。 jClap JAR还包含一个“样本”应用程序( SampleArguments.class ),IDE反编译器(例如IntelliJ IDEA的内置反编译器和Eclipse的Enhanced...
As I work on Java program for Windows 7 with Intellij, I include file output of the artifact to generate a jar during compilation. While the program functions well within the IDE, I aim to execute it through the command line without relying on the IDE. The structure of the directory appea...
In IntelliJ I can set "Additional command line parameters" underSettings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler -> Java Compiler. And this issue is solved, if I add "-parameters" as command line parameter in IntelliJ, but I have no clue how to do this in VSCode. I can only find...
In IntelliJ IDEA, it’s possible to configure a command-line shortener. Let’s take a closer look at when and how to use this feature. Configurable command line shortener When the classpath gets too long, or you have many VM arguments, the program cannot be launched. The reason is that...
Anyone know of a way to pass command line arguments to an air application through the Run Configuration? adl supports this using -- and then the command line arguments, but it looks as though the Run configuration dialog only allows for adl arguments to be passed in. ...
(2)我们可以配置在系统启动时需要传入的参数,这里以 intelliJ IDEA 为例,单击右上角的编辑启动配置。 (3)在弹出页中编辑 Program arguments 栏目,在里面填写需要传入的参数。如果有多个参数,参数之间使用空格隔开。这里我们既配了选项参数,也配了非选项参数。
*/ package com.intellij.execution.configurations; import com.intellij.execution.CommandLineUtil; import com.intellij.execution.ExecutionException; import com.intellij.execution.Platform; import com.intellij.execution.process.ProcessNotCreatedException; import com.intellij.ide.I...
When using the https response handlers, is it possible to pass command line arguments to the scripts? Something like this: > my-http-handler-script.js -arguement1=arguement1Value -arguement2=arguement2Value I am currently trying to create a common...
一种是命令行的方式传参,所以为什么这个接口叫CommandLineRunner 另一种方法是通过IntelliJ IDEA配置参数 下面分别说明 命令行传参 首先将应用打成jar包,然后运行如下命令行,我这里传入三个参数 java -jar MyProject.jar 野猿新一 野猿新二 野猿新三