我们可以在一个compose文件中定义一个多容器的应用(比如jumpserver),然后通过该compose来启动这个应用。 1、安装 docker-compose sudo pip install -U docker-compose 1. 2、创建docker-compose.yml文件 #Docker:组合 ###定义服务 vi docker-compose.yml 指定内容 version: '2' services: phoenix: image: nginx ...
注意:每个服务都必须通过image指令指定镜像或者build指令(需要dockerfile)等来自动构建生成需要的镜像。 如果用build指令,在Dockerfile中设置的选项(例如:CMD,EXPOSE,VOLUME,ENV等)将会自动被获取,不需要再compose.yml中重复设置。 指令含义及用法 build 指定Dockerfile所在的文件目录路径(可以是绝对路径或相对路径) 需要...
这将根据docker-compose.yml文件中的配置启动容器,并运行指定的命令。 总结 command用于覆盖 Docker 镜像的默认启动命令。 可以在docker-compose.yml文件中使用command指定容器启动时要运行的命令。 entrypoint和command可以结合使用,entrypoint指定入口点,command传递参数。
在Dockerfile 中只设置 ENTRYPOINT,不设置 CMD: ENTRYPOINT ['/bin/bash', '/bar/www/sh.sh'] 在docker-compose 中设置 command 为php-fpm,并且使用 detach 选项让 sh.sh 脚本在后台运行: command: php-fpm tty: true detach: true 这样,当容器启动时,它会首先执行 sh.sh 脚本,然后将其放入后台运行。接...
docker: ‘compose’ is not a docker command. See ‘docker --help’ I am not sure if this has to do with some docker command update related to Mac, but it seems that it won’t recognise docker compose up as a command at all. I guess there is a different command instead of this on...
Below is my docker-compose file:version: "3" services: mqtt_broker: build: dockerfile: Dockerfile context: ./ network_mode: host test: depends_on: [ mqtt_broker ] image: ubuntu:22.04 command: - ls -la /home network_mode: host
I have tried with the latest version of Docker Desktop I have tried disabling enabled experimental features I have uploaded Diagnostics Diagnostics ID: Expected behavior Expected to be able to run compose. Actual behavior compose seems t...
安装docker-compose后,执行docker-compose version时,报错,错误内容:/usr/local/bin/docker-compose: line 1: {error:Document not found}: command not found 解决方案:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58747879/docker-compose-usr-local-bin-docker-compose-line-1-not-command-not-found ...
解决CentOS 7出现docker-compose: command not found 1. 安装docker-compose 既然使用了docker-compose那自然得安装了 在GitHub上拉取过慢,建议在国内源DaoCloud中拉取: curl-Lhttps://get.daocloud.io/docker/compose/releases/download/1.29.2/docker-compose-`uname-s`-`uname-m` > /usr/local/soft/docker-...
A Docker container runs exactly one command, and when that command is done, the container exits. If the container has no entrypoint, it's thecommand:fromdocker-compose.yml, any arguments after the image name in adocker runcommand, or theCMDfrom theDockerfile. If it does have an entrypoint...