Command Prompt (CMD) is a powerful tool in Windows, offering tricks and hacks not available in the GUI, making it popular for security and hacking purposes. Access a list of 200+ CMD Tricks, Hacks, and basic commands to help navigate and customize a PC more efficiently. ...
If you have been a Windows user for a long time, I am sure you must have used Command Prompt. Even today, the CMD helps in performing many advanced administrative functions, and in troubleshooting Windows-related issues. We have earlier, already covered someBasic Command Prompt Tips. Today we...
underscore-cli- Utility-belt for hacking JSON and Javascript. strip-json-comments-cli- Strip comments from JSON. GROQ– JSON processor with queries and projections. gron- Make JSON greppable. YAML dyff- YAML diff tool. Columns parse-columns-cli- Parse text columns to JSON. ...
process) killall Finder (kill app) top (activity monitor) locate finder (search) locate updatedb whereis dash (search bin) service (list services) service servicename start | status | stop sudo crontab -u nicolasgrimonpont -l (check cron tasks) crontab -l (check cron tasks for this user...
You can reference variables within your command strings using double curly braces ({{}}). For example, if you defined a variableOUTPUT_DIR, you can use it like this: modules: - name: example-task cmds: - echo "Output directory {{OUTPUT_DIR}}" ...
The solution is simple to use in CMD the NET HELP command, the solution is for Windows 11, 10, and Microsoft Windows Server OS Content: 1. The Wi-Fi Password of your Current Network (show, find, hack)?So you dont need hacking tools or professional knowledge to see the Wi-Fi ...
Typical hacking activity against windows server Unable login to Window 2012 server Unable to access share with FQDN Unable to access the File shares in windows 2016 - file server failover cluster manager Unable to access via remote desktop Windows Server 2008 R2 Unable to add a machine to domain...
Typical hacking activity against windows server Unable login to Window 2012 server Unable to access share with FQDN Unable to access the File shares in windows 2016 - file server failover cluster manager Unable to access via remote desktop Windows Server 2008 R2 Unable to add a machine to doma...
Look for the word “UP” inside the brackets in the first line of the output. In the above example, wlan1 is not UP. Execute the following command to Step 3: Bring up the WiFi interface – WiFi network from command line Use the following command to bring up the WiFI interface ...
less can be invoked with options to change its behaviour, for example, the number of lines to display on the screen. A few options vary depending on the operating system. While less is displaying the file, various commands can be used to navigate through the file. These commands are based...