CommandNPC 插件的灵感来自于某服务器,可以添加命令到NPC上。插件允许玩家通过简单地右键NPC执行命令。需要...
The -m flag is when you have a cooldown amount specified. When the player is in a cooldown and attempt to use the NPC, it will send them this message. (Usage: /npc cmdset -m [cdMsg...])Note: When using other flags the cdMsg as to be the last things within the command. The...
I apologize for the lack of updates and basically radiosilence, I had to take a break from everything, but I'm hoping to be back in my full capacity. If you have any troubles or would like to let us know of bugs, issues can be created here:
NPC Dialogue Sample Behavior Pack There is asample NPC dialogue behavior packavailable at the Minecraft Samples Github. You can use it to check your work after using this tutorial. Creating NPC Dialogue We will be building on theCreate a Custom NPC tutorialto create custom dialogue for that cha...
Non-Player Characters are a very useful tool available for yourMinecraft server. Creating npcs makes the server look very well-polished, and they can be used to perform functions such as teleporting players and opening custom shops.Citizens2is the best plugin for creating npcs, but adding comman...
minecraft:raw_copper_block Raw Copper Block minecraft:green_bundle minecraft:barrel Barrel minecraft:iron_chestplate Iron Chestplate minecraft:white_stained_glass_pane minecraft:black_bundle minecraft:bow Bow minecraft:brain_coral_fan minecraft:waxed_exposed_copper_bulb minecraft:purpur_block Purpur Block mi...
minecraft单机指令列表command list CommandList Stuckonacommand,confusedorjustlookingforsomethingnew?Checkout Tobringupthecommand"console"type'T'thentypeinthecommand.Belowisabriefrunthroughofthecommandlist: achievement<list...
NPC which you are pointing at to the specified skin return - Moves the player to the last position before teleport ride - Allows you to ride any NPC which you point at sc -Added scripting support (more information coming soon)search - Allows you to search for items using a name set - ...
for (ICommand command : commands) { commandManager.registerCommand(command); } } } 代码示例来源:origin: ata4/dragon-mounts public void onServerStarting(FMLServerStartingEvent evt) { MinecraftServer server = evt.getServer(); ServerCommandManager cmdman = (ServerCommandManager) server.getCommandManag...
minecraft吧 双鱼Rohu 【巨坑 | 长期更新】这可能是吧里最详尽的1.17+命令教程俗话说授人以鱼不如授人以渔,单单靠命令生成器(指CBCreator)可能无法满足我们的需求,可lz又不想用HTML+JS写一个。于是就有了这个帖子。 本贴按照命令的常用度顺序及吧友们的呼声来进行更新 先说一下lz的发帖格式: 文字 意思 ...