npc_citizen_explosive_resist 0 None npc_citizen_insignia 0 None npc_citizen_squad_marker 0 None npc_combat Displays text debugging information about the squad and enemy of the selected NPC (See Overlay Text) Arguments {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is ...
Combat-based Situation Commands are unlocked through battle performance. LikeCommand StylesandFinish commandsfromKingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, engaging in combat has arrow-shaped markers appear above the Command Menu. These arrows represent a hidden number called theform value(フォーム値fōmu-chi?)...
1) First of all, thanks a lot for this great opportunity and for answering some questions about your upcoming gameCommand: Modern Operations. May I start asking to introduce you and the rest of the team briefly for the few that might not know the “Man behind the Work”? I am Dimitris,...
崩溃, 金属大爆炸金属碰撞, 沉重的碎片[1]_3s_;[2]_5s_(crash, metal large explosive metal crash, heavy debris [1]_3s_;[2]_5s_) [6200] 综合音效库 / 崩溃(crash) / 崩溃, 金属(crash, metal) 多个箭头从由射箭, 木材的影响[1]_2s_;[2]_3s_(Archery Multiple Arrows Whoosh By, Wood ...
魔兽世界gm命令适用于3.35以下(The World of Warcraft GM command applies below 3.35).doc,魔兽世界gm命令适用于3.35以下(The World of Warcraft GM command applies below 3.35) .learn .unlearn GM skills 52022 immune, bleeding, poisoning and disease effects. A
npc_citizen_explosive_resist 0 None npc_citizen_insignia 0 None npc_citizen_squad_marker 0 None npc_combat Displays text debugging information about the squad and enemy of the selected NPC (See Overlay Text) Arguments {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is ...