With the thousands ofcommands/programs available in Linux systems, knowing the type and purpose of a given command as well as its location (absolute path) on the system can be a little challenge for newbies. Knowing a few details of commands/programs not only helps aLinux user master the nu...
The Linuxfindcommand is simultaneously one of the most useful and confounding of all Linux commands. It is difficult because its syntax varies from the standard syntax of other Linux commands. It is powerful, however, because it allows you to find files by filename, by file type, by user, ...
$find . -name "[A-Z]*" -print #查以大写字母开头的文件 $find /etc -name "host*" -print #查以host开头的文件 $find . -name "[a-z][a-z][0–9][0–9].txt" -print #查以两个小写字母和两个数字开头的txt文件 $find . -perm 755 -print $find . -perm -007 -exec ls -l {}...
Use lsof to find locked and deleted files in Linux. For example, to find deleted files starting in the root directory (/), run: sudo lsof / | grep deletedCopy Restart the process or close the files to free up disk space. Combine Multiple Options The lsof command allows multiple search ...
Before attempting to perform a manual mount of a USB drive, verify that Linux hasn’t automatically mounted it for you by issuing the mount command. You can use grep to reduce the time required to find the USB drive. Because the most common file system type on Linux is ext, you can ty...
In case you find any other interesting options or ways of using thedircommand, let us know by writing a comment. Hope you find this article useful. Tagslinux commands Hey TecMint readers, Exciting news! Every month, our top blog commenters will have the chance to win fantastic rewards, like...
$find /etc -name "host*" -print #查以host开头的文件 $find . -name "[a-z][a-z][0–9][0–9].txt" -print #查以两个小写字母和两个数字开头的txt文件 $find . -perm 755 -print $find . -perm -007 -exec ls -l {} \; #查所有用户都可读写执行的文件同-perm 777 ...
find指定某个目录下查找文件# 在当前目录递归搜索文件名为 README.md 文件 $ find . -name README.md # 也可以指定多个目录,比如 src1 src2目录 $ find src1 src2 -name README.md # 通过通配符进行查找, 必须用引号括着, 这里查找所有后缀为 .md 文件 $ find . -name "*.md" $ find . -i...
Find a Process That Is Using a Particular Port Use thegrep commandto filter the data fromnetstat. To find a process that uses a particular port number, enter: netstat -an | grep ':[port number]' For example: netstat -an | grep ':80' ...
/boot:含Linux内核、initial RAM disk image (for drivers needed at boot time)和启动加载器(boot loader)。 比如: /boot/grub/grub.cfg:用于配置启动加载器。 /boot/vmlinuz(名称可能不一):Linux内核 /dev:所有设备(device)的列表。 /etc:包含所有应用于整个系统的配置文件,以及系统服务启动的shell 脚本。所...