And same goes for checking the status of the service. Here, you'd have to use thestatusflag with the systemctl command as shown: systemctl status <service-name> For example, if I want to check the status of the Apache service, then, I will use the following: systemctl status apache2...
1. Check Service Startup status from Shell Script When you execute chkconfig command only with the service name, it returns true if the service is configured for startup. The following code snippet shows how to check whether a service is configured for startup or not from a shell script. ...
a、直接使用su - root来切换到root用户,然后使用 service b、使用su root切换到root用户,并同时使用/sbin/service来操作,如/sbin/service mysql restart.
linux下的压缩文件类型如上 现在 compress zip指令几乎不用了 一般用的是gzip bzip2 xz的压缩指令 但是用这三个指定每次只能压缩/解压缩一个文件 故引入了tar指令 先将要压缩的多个文件打包 然后再压缩 解压缩同理 tar指令提供了很多的参数 可以同时提供打包和压缩功能 (解打包和解压缩) 输入 awk...
sudo systemctl status <service-name> Replace<service-name>with the name of the service unit file you want to check. This will show you information such as the description, load state, active state, sub-state, process ID (PID), memory usage, CPU usage, and recent service logs. ...
You can check the status of a service: systemctl status <service> What Causes the Systemctl Command Not Found Error on Linux? Generally, the” systemctl Command Not Found” error happens when the system finds the systemctl missing. One of the primary reasons for systemctl error is the use...
Thecurlcommand is installed by default in many popularLinux distributions. If it is not present on the system, install it by entering the following command: sudo apt install curlCopy Wait for the installation to finish. How to Check curl Version ...
systemctl enable servicecommand fails with the error"Failed to execute operation: Invalid argument"as seen below : Raw [root@node2 ~]# systemctl enable pacemaker.service Failed to execute operation: Invalid argument <<<--- [root@node2 ~]# systemctl enable pcsd.service Failed...
admin:/>change service cifs oplock_timeout=30 Command executed successfully. Query the CIFS share service after the modification. admin:/>show service cifs Running Status : Start Security Model : All Attestation Guest Enabled : No Anonymous Enabled : No Signing Required : No Signing Enabled : No...
$parameters = @{ ComputerName = (Get-Content Servers.txt) FilePath = 'C:\Scripts\Sample.ps1' ArgumentList = 'Process', 'Service' } Invoke-Command @parameters提交命令时,将 Sample.ps1 文件的内容复制到脚本块中,脚本块在每个远程计算机上运行。 此过程等效于使用 ScriptBlock 参数提交脚本的内容。示...