Function newAddCom(tempForm As msforms.UserForm, bArr, Topi As Integer, Lefti As Integer, P As Boolean)Dim i As Integer Dim iX As Integer iX = UBound(bArr)Dim bObj As msforms.CommandButton For i = 0 To iX Set bObj = tempForm.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1", bArr(i))With bOb...
在这种情况下,需要根据Excel 2010的语法和特性进行相应的修改。 对于Excel 2010 VBA CommandButton无法识别的问题,可以尝试以下解决方法: 确认控件名称:检查VBA代码中对CommandButton的引用是否正确,确保使用了正确的控件名称。 检查控件添加:确认CommandButton已经正确添加到工作表或用户窗体中,并且已经为其命名。 引用正确...
右键 点一下 ,按 Delete 删除 开发工具在 Excel 左上角 开始 ---Excel 选项,常用 在功能区显示 开发工具选项卡 打勾
使用开发工具选项卡中的命令按钮,插入即可。Excel版本参考:2010 1、选中要插入的单元格位置;2、点击开发工具-插入(ActiveX),命令按钮;3、在工作表中画出一个大家合适的按钮即可;4、查看效果(OK)。
Button to kick other users of excel workbook C# - How to set border for each celll in worksheet C# Excel Cell borders not being cleared C# Excel create alternate row colours in Excel from C# code C# Excel cut or copy an Excel row and move to another row C# Excel Error 0x800AC472 C#...
developed in Excel 2003 and worked really well. It is only since "upgrading" to Excel 2010 that these issues with the command buttons have emerged. Is there a fix for these kinds of problems or do I need to give up using ActiveX command buttons as the access route to the Add-In?
打开VBA编辑器,可以通过按下Alt + F11或者单击“开发”选项卡中的“Visual Basic”图标进入。在VBA编辑器中,在工程资源管理器中选择你需要向其添加按钮的 工作簿,在项目菜单上单击插入,然后选择 “用户窗体”。将窗体上的“CommandButton”放到工作表中,并在出现的“CommandButton”窗口中修改属性,...