我的世界命令速写软件command_block是一款优秀的世界命令速写软件及其对应的命令速写指南,这款软件将帮助你快速了解Minecraft中所有可用的命令,并提供实时的输入和反馈,使你能够更加高效地玩游戏并创造属于自己的世界,提供每个命令的详细解释和用法示例,帮助你理解和掌握游戏所有相关知识。快速指令 1、现阶段支持地图、皮肤...
我的世界获得命令方块的指令是/give @a command_block,并且版本必须在1.0.5版本以上,不要冒号,空格和下划线都要,输入的指令要和上面的一致,当然@a也可以改为@p,都能让我们自己获得。 详细答案: 1、打开聊天栏,输入代码/give玩家名minecraft:command_block,按回车结束,就能获得命令方块。 2、不要冒号,空格和下划...
Command blocks are a specialized type of block within a Minecraft: Bedrock Edition world that allows the use of console commands in-game. The same commands that players can type from chat can be run automatically by command blocks using redstone power....
/give @a command_block 3 How to Enter the Command 1. Open the Chat Window The easiest way to run a command in Minecraft is within the chat window. Thegame controlto open the chat window depends on the version of Minecraft: For Java Edition (PC/Mac), press theTkey to open the chat...
1.8后:/give [player] [@p&a] minecraft:command_block(命令方块英文代码) 2楼2015-08-16 10:09 回复 天梯_Sky 中尉 7 dataTag(NBT标签)的标点符号用处{} - 花括号 :这是控制单独一个NBT的括号,括号里的内容就是NBT。比如:Item:{id:"minecraft:command_block"},花括号可以包围一类的NBT。专业的来说...
A command block is an advanced feature in Minecraft that is not available in all versions of the game. Once you have a command block in your inventory, you can plant it down and program it with commands. Here is a list of tutorials that explain how to ma
【Minecraft】动画短片:命令方块 COMMAND BLOCK (MC Animation Collab) 1.9万 23 2021-10-31 14:55:15 325 11 245 AI视频总结 测试版 记笔记 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwWabNSByOg 作者:BPS社区 游戏 单机游戏 MC动画 我的世界 MC MINECRAFT ...
If one sets the command to/execute if block x y z #minecraft:doors[open=true], wherex,y, andzare the coordinates of the bottom half of a door,#minecraft:doorsis a block category for the doors and[open=true]is the NBT in which when the door open, by placing acomparatorfacing away ...