ControlWeapon systemsAir force trainingPersonnel developmentCommunication and radio systemsSurveysThis is a report of an occupational survey of the Command and Control career ladder completed by the Occupational Analysis Division, USAF Occupational Measurement Center in March 1987. The specialty was last ...
AFSC - Alliance Future Surveillance and Control 聯盟未來的監視和控制 政府 / 聯盟 AFSC - Aramco Financial Services Company 阿美金融服務公司 商業 / 金融 AFSC - Aramco Financial Services Company 阿美金融服務公司 商業 / 公司和事務所 AFSC - Aramco Financial Services Company 阿美金融服務公司 商業 ...
2.8 Command bases and major units 3 ReferencesOverview[edit source]AFSC took on engineering functions which formerly resided in the Air Materiel Command (AMC), the Army Air Forces Technical Service Command (TSC), and the Air Technical Service Command (ATSC) as a separate research and development...
An overview of the organization and resources of the Command as a whole are included for readers not familiar with Air Force Systems Command. The study was accomplished using personal experience, interviews with members of HQ AFSC, briefings, and HQ AFSC publications and directives. The study ...
Tactical air commandAir force trainingMilitary occupationalspecialtiesSkillsSurveysCommand and control systemsPersonnel developmentThis is a report of an occupational survey of TACC career ladder--Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) 1C4X1 (formerly 275X0). This report is being completed as a part of the...
This report presents the results of an Air Force Occupational Survey of the Tactical Air Command and Control career ladder, Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) 1C4X1. Authority for conducting occupational surveys is contained in AFI 36-2623. Computer products used in this report are available for ...
ControlJobsThis report presents the results of a detailed Air Force occupational survey of the Airborne Command and Control Communications Equipment (AFS 118X1) specialty. The report was requested by HQ 552 Airborne Warning and Control Wing/ Deputy Commander for Operations (552 AWACW/DCO). Priority...
United States Air Force Occupational Survey Report. Tactical Air Command and Control. AFSC 1C4X1Air force trainingJob analysisMilitary occupational specialtiesSkillsCareersAir force personnelSurveysJob satisfactionPersonnel development*AIR FORCE TRAINING
Warning systemsAirborneDevelopmental psychologyThis is a report of an occupational survey of AFSC 1A4X1 (formerly AFSC 117X0), Airborne Warning Command and Control Systems career ladder and AFSC 13B3, (formerly AFSC 1745), Air Weapons Director (officers). The last occupational survey report (OSR)...
All three major job clusters identified, Junior Tactical Air Command and Controllers (TACCs), TACCs, and TACC NCOICs, performed a common core of technical tasks. The two independent job types identified, TACC Superintendents and Set Up Technicians, differed from the major clusters in that they...