Command & Conquer Remastered Command & Conquer Alerte Rouge Remastered Éditeur de cartes (pour créer vos propres cartes personnalisées) À l’écran d’accueil, vous allez découvrir les modes de jeu et d’autres options. Commencer nouvelle partie ...
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Includes all 3 expansions, rebuilt multiplayer, a modernized UI, Map Editor, bonus footage gallery, and over 7 hours of remastered music. Command & Conquer™ 4 Tiberian Twilight 7 Mar, 2024 Level Up For the Epic Conclusion of the Tiberium Saga. Command & Conquer™ 3: Kane’s Wrath...
As he battles the forces of the Brotherhood on the way to his objective, the Captain discovers the abductors' true intention, and realizes that the outcome of the entire war depends on the success of his mission. Command & Conquer: Renegade is a first-person 3D shooter set in the Command...
命令与征服:复刻合集 Command & Conquer Remastered Collection豆瓣评分:8.3 简介:Steam游戏简介: 《命运与征服》和《红警》的4K重制版均由前Westwood工作室成员制作。包含所有3个资料片、重新构建的多人游戏、现代化的 UI、地图编辑器、额外的花絮片段和超过7小时的重
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test the game, but would 100% buy it if this got fixed as it would save me $1000 and the...
Откройтедлясебявозможности Command & Conquer Remastered Collection, включаяполностьюпереработанныйинтерфейс, уровнисложностиИИ, режимы «ИИ», «Сх