values ( 1, 'split,into,rows' ); insert into csvs values ( 2, 'even,more,values,to,extract' ); commit; This is bad design,violates first normal form, and causes many headaches. For example, if you want to join each value to rows in another table, you need to convert the string ...
Receiving a comma delimited file is not new technology nor is it difficult to deal with in SQL Server. As a matter of fact, it is extremely easy. There are many cases as to why you would want to do this. For example, you have an external data source that needs to be imported into ...
you can use STRING_AGG
INSERTINTO@tmpVALUES('6,8,9') Declare@searckeywordvarchar(1000) set@searckeyword='2' SELECTdata FROM@tmp WHERECHARINDEX(','+@searckeyword+',',','+data+',')>0; Next Recommended ReadingHow to Select Column Values as Comma Separated String in Sql Server ...
Recently i face a problem. I need to get max value from a comma separate column in sql. I can do it manualy bt not sure is it possible dynamical. any one can help me to find out. Input : ColumnA ColumnB Year 1 vote Create the split function: ...
How to split comma separated values stored in XML node Without using function- SQL Server 2012 I have a requirement to split a csv data inside a xml node column. I am using SQL server 2012. I want a query without creating a function....
Add Time in SQL HH:MM:SS to another HH:MM:SS Adding a column to a large (100 million rows) table with default constraint adding a extra column in a pivot table created uisng T-SQL Pivot Table query Adding a partition scheme to an existing table. Adding a Value to a 'date' Column...
--Now my requirement is to get them in a temp table with 3 column and different rows as per comma separated values in variables. Now my requirement is to get them in a temp table with 3 columns and different rows (as per number of comma separated values in variables) E...
INSERT @resultTable VALUES (Cast(@array_value AS varchar)) SELECT @array = stuff(@array, 1, @separator_position, '') END RETURN END In your query analyzer, you can test the above function as follows: select * from Parse ('12,23,34,123', ',') ...
insert into @resulttable(words) values(@sliceOfStringValue) set @StringValue = right(@StringValue,len(@StringValue) - @index) if len(@StringValue) = 0 break end return endSplit Comma-Separated Strings into Sql ServerNext Recommended Reading How to Select Column Values as Comma Separat...