CSV全称Comma Separated Values,字面直译“逗号分隔值”。所以“CSV文件”完全用汉字写就是“逗号分隔值文件”。而“CSV Format”就应该翻译为“逗号分隔值格式”。 这种文件格式的出发点十分朴素——普通的纯文本只有“行”而没有“列”,CSV约定用逗号(注意是英文逗号)表示列间隔,这样有“行”有“列”就能表示表格...
The CSV ("Comma Separated Value") file format is often used to exchange data between disparate applications. The file format, as it is used in Microsoft Excel, has become a pseudo standard throughout the industry, even among non-Microsoft platforms. As is the case with most exchange format...
1-2 HMIS CSV Version Numbers ... 1-3 Document Overview ... 1-3Version
CSV逗号分隔值文件(Comma Separated value) 首先,需要创建两个类:CCsvFile(派生自CStdioFile,用于从屋里文件中读取数据)和CCsvRecord(派生自CObject,适合作为CCsvFile类的Object映射成员,包含指定行的数据。1)CCsvRecord类的创建 由于每个CSV记录都包含很多列,所以增加一个名为m_arrCloumns的CStringArray类型的成员...
网络逗号分隔 网络释义 1. 逗号分隔 ...出为 PDF 格式,及载入其他常用的文件格式,包括逗号分隔(comma-separated-value) 或空格分隔 (tab-delimited) 文件、 Qui… www.apple.com|基于2个网页
KBCsv is an efficient, easy to use .NET parsing and writing library for the CSV (comma-separated values) format. - kentcb/KBCsv
kommasepareret fil是将“comma delimited file"翻译成 丹麦文。 译文示例:Data shall be supplied in comma delimited ASCII format files (i.e. CSV- Comma Separated Value format ↔ Dataene indsendes i filer i comma delimited ASCII-format (dvs. CSV- Comma Separated Value-format comma...
The Comma-Separated Value (CSV) identity feed provides capability for reading comma-separated value (CSV) file to add users to Identity Manager.
(redirected fromComma-separated values) Encyclopedia Wikipedia Category filter: AcronymDefinition CVS[not an acronym](formerly Consumer Value Stores; pharmacy) CVSConcurrent Versions System(open source software) CVSComputer Vision Syndrome CVSConvenience Store(financial reporting) ...