comma separated 意味着使用逗号进行分隔。这个短语通常用于描述由逗号分隔的列表或数据。例如,在计算机科学和编程中,逗号分隔值(CSV)是一种用来表示表格数据 Comma-separated values (CSV) is a plain text file format used to store tabular data (e.g., spreadsheets or database tables). Each ...
Fields are separated with commas. Duh. However, it's not uncommon to see the comma (, [0x2c]) replaced with a tab ( [0x09]) , semi-colon (; [0x3b]) or pipe (| [0x7c]). Quote Wrapping When the fields contain exotic characters, such as a comma or quote or new line (or ...
The CSV ("Comma Separated Value") file format is often used to exchange data between disparate applications. The file format, as it is used in Microsoft Excel, has become a pseudo standard throughout the industry, even among non-Microsoft platforms. As is the case with most exchange format...
The comma-separated values file format is commonly used to exchange tabular information, such as spreadsheets, between different programs and operating systems. Though common, the csv format has never been formally defined, and there are variations. One definition is at
CSV全称Comma Separated Values,字面直译“逗号分隔值”。所以“CSV文件”完全用汉字写就是“逗号分隔值文件”。而“CSV Format”就应该翻译为“逗号分隔值格式”。 这种文件格式的出发点十分朴素——普通的纯文本只有“行”而没有“列”,CSV约定用逗号(注意是英文逗号)表示列间隔,这样有“行”有“列”就能表示表格...
You can import, convert, and export files in comma-separated values format.Importing or converting comma-separated values filesYou can choose whether FileMaker Pro uses a specified row of data in the file as field names. All fields are text fields.Exporting...
CSV是一种分隔的(英语:Delimiter-separated values)文本文件,它使用逗号来分割值(许多CSV导入/导出工具的实现也允许使用其它的分隔符)。 LASER-wikipedia2 Files could be submitted as spreadsheets, tables, or in “comma separated value” ASCII format. 文件将以电子表格、表格或以“逗号分隔值”ASCII码格式...
1-2 HMIS CSV Version Numbers ... 1-3 Document Overview ... 1-3Version
selecting the “Download Spreadsheet Format” link retrieves a file that contains much the same information in lines of CSV data like these (edited to fit):[I]498)this.width=498;' onmousewheel = 'javascript:return big(this)' border=0 alt="图4.1 Comma-Separated values(3) " s...
CSV逗号分隔值文件(Comma Separated value) 首先,需要创建两个类:CCsvFile(派生自CStdioFile,用于从屋里文件中读取数据)和CCsvRecord(派生自CObject,适合作为CCsvFile类的Object映射成员,包含指定行的数据。1)CCsvRecord类的创建 由于每个CSV记录都包含很多列,所以增加一个名为m_arrCloumns的CStringArray类型的成员...