Learn when to use a comma before “which” with these rules describing nonrestrictive vs. restrictive clauses, prepositional phrases, and questions.
Commas matter. That tiny period-with-a-tail can change the meaning of your entire sentence, and your use of it quickly demonstrates just how well you know the English language. Here are 8 comma rules writers should know and use. Today, I have just a few comma tips for you. This is n...
英文中书写数字时,有一个小习惯和中文里不大一样。你可能也注意到了,英文里对于较大、或较长串的数字,会采用逗号(comma)进行分隔。那么何时在数字中用到逗号,其具体规则是怎样的呢? 中文里,当我们表示“一千”、“两千”、“五千”等数字时,往往用阿拉伯数字直接写成:1000,2000,5000。 但在英文中,如果数字...
The four comma rules below cover the occasions you are most likely to need commas in your everyday writing. If you keep your sentences short (I recommend 15-20 words on average), you won’t need to worry about learning more. Comma Rule # 1: Use commas to separate three or more items...
Sophia said sweetly, “Thank you so much for the great birthday present!” “Everyone, please come to the dinner table,”Dad said. Comma Rules in Dates Comma Rules: Insert a comma between a day of the month and a year. If a date is part of a sentence, then insert a comma after th...
Learn how to use commas correctly and study comma rules. Discover when to use a comma for a series, conjunctions, introductory phrases,...
Other students also liked Comma Before or After However | Rules & Examples When using "however" to connect two clauses, use a semicolon before it and a comma afterward (e.g., “I’ll be there; however, I might be late”).
Learn about comma usage in American English. Also learn to recognize types of commas, how to use commas correctly, and what the eight rules for...
While there’s some degree of flexibility in how commas are used, it’s important to have a clear grasp of the rules. Seven Places Where You SHOULD Use Commas Rule #1: Use Commas to Separate Items in a List This probably the first use of commas you learned in school: separating items ...
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