Simply replace the comma with a semicolon to correctly connect the two related sentences. Add a conjunction. Conjunctions are connecting words, which writers use to join clauses and form a compound sentence.“FANBOYS” is a mnemonic device and acronym that lays out the seven coordinating ...
so), also known as the aforementioned “FANBOYS.” These connectors join two independent clauses, which are complete sentences with a subject and verb and any additional parts needed to stand alone and make sense. When done correctly, it creates a compound sentence. ...
Coordinating conjunctionsare those tiny words that join other words or sentences or clauses together. (“Or” is the conjunction in that last sentence, you see?) In school, you may have learned an acronym to remember them: FANBOYS. For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So. Independent clausesi...
If you have two independent clauses ("He likes it" + "She likes it"), then youcannotjoin them with a comma. You can join them by adding aCoordinating Conjunction(FANBOYS), aSubordinating Conjunction(a word like 'if/because/even though' that begins a dependent clause), or asemi-colon....
It seems as if Hollywood is entirely bereft of fresh material. Next year, three different live-action Snow White films will be released in the States. Disney is still terrorizing audiences with t... Books Without Borders: Life after Liquidation ...
Some students remember the seven by learning the word fanboys. Each of the seven letters of fanboys stands for one of the coordinating conjunctions. F = for; A = and; N = nor; B = but; O = or; Y = yet; S = so Teamed up with a comma ( , ), these seven coordinating ...
Fix the error with a comma and a coordinating conjunction. Andre sank a perfect basket from half court unfortunately the coach’s back was turned. Be my FANBOYS — for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. Andre sank a perfect basket from half court, but the coach’s back was turned....
oAcommaspliceisasentenceerrorcausedby puttingjustapoor,weakcommabetweentwo completesentences. oWealllikegrammar,wealllovethis class. , Thefirstwaytocorrectcomma splicesandrun-onsisto… oseparatethemwithaperiod,creatingtwo completesentences. Wealllikegrammar. Wealllovethis class. STOP Nowyoutry!Useaperiodt...