deftest_build_missing_so_file(self):comm.setUp() comm.create(self) os.chdir('org.xwalk.test')ifcomm.ARCH =="x86": os.remove( os.getcwd() +'/prj/android/xwalk_core_library/libs/armeabi-v7a/') buildcmd = comm.HOST_PREFIX + comm.PackTools +"crosswalk-app build"build...
return biaoNumberList def simulation(self, start, end, le=1, deviation=0, bias=0.5): """ :param start:开始点的坐标 如 start = [0, 0] :param end:结束点的坐标 如 end = [100, 100] :param le:几阶贝塞尔曲线,越大越复杂 如 le = 4 :param deviation:轨迹上下波动的范围 如 deviation ...
defrecipient(self):handler = self.handlerifhandler.recipient == RECIPIENT_USER:returnself.userelifhandler.recipient == RECIPIENT_CASE:returnCommConnectCase.get(self.case_id)elifhandler.recipient == RECIPIENT_SURVEY_SAMPLE:returnSurveySample.get(self.sample_id)elifhandler.recipient == RECIPIENT_OWNER:re...
commSchedule ( const label nProcs, const List< labelPair > & comms ) Construct from wanted communication. Wanted communication is between. two processors. Can be a one-way communication or two-way communication, that is up to the caller. This class just determines an order for it such ...
返回: - None """ def move_to_basic(self, x: int, y: int, ctrl: str = '', port: serial = serial) -> None: coordinate = [x, y] number_list = int(((x ** 2) + (y ** 2)) ** 0.5)) le = random.randint(4, 10) deviation = random.randint(0, int(min(ab...
def_write_parallel(self, path, data, metadata):comm, rank, root =get_comm_rank_root()withh5py.File(path,'w', driver='mpio', comm=comm)ash5file: dmap = {}forname, shapeinself._global_shape_list: dmap[name] = h5file.create_dataset( ...