Rett syndrome (RTT) has experienced remarkable progress over the past three decades since emerging as a disorder of worldwide proportions, particularly with discovery of the linkage of RTT to MECP2 mutations. The advances in clinical research and the inc
Big data is also defined by its complexity. In a traditional healthcare dataset, such as for a clinical trial, there are a large number of subjects (n) in comparison to a limited number of parameters (p) for each subject, referred to as a “largen, smallp” problem (Spiegelhalter2014; ...
I decided to let go of all that I was expected to do—a job that didn’t feed my soul, a social circle that started to disappear, and flashy stuff that we simply couldn’t afford anymore. My son’s diagnosis turned our lives upside down. But it also taught us to appreciate both of...
(ASPD). We applied an aesthetic methodology in our analysis. We analysed the series in terms of language, appearance, behaviour, music and sound, technical devices, and intertextuality, closely observing three sequences of various episodes that correspond to the character’s symptoms, diagnosis, ...