The Film Festival is coming soon in Times Cinema.This festival lasts seven days(Sunday,December 19th 2021--Saturday,December 25th,2021).Here is the poster. Film Hachi:A Dog's Tale Spider-Man:No Way Home (3 D) To the summit Fire on the plain Price ¥40 ¥50 ¥35 ¥40 Date December...
As expected, things soon go awry when M3GAN uses her superior intelligence to destroy anyone whom she perceives as a threat to Cady. I’m not one to suggest a film tone down the blood and gore in a horror film but in the case of M3GAN, it works to the film’s advantage as proven...
Released in the traditionally dismal month of January when studios usually ‘dump’ film releases with little or no bang for their buck M3GAN is already set to spawn a sequel. The possibilities for a different story to correlate with the original are endless. The poster (see above) and the ...
We finally have a poster for Inception to look at. If there are any hidden clues in the poster, we haven't been able to find them yet. Wait, what's that we see in the clouds? Could it be...The Joker's smile? Nah. Can't be. - Warner Bros. Comment on this Scoop (0) 1 ...
(Coming Out Covenant is pleased welcome guest poster Laura Statesir from the Marin Foundation and to invite your participation in developing resources for families of LGBTQ children.) One of the most difficult and life changing statements a parent can hear is that of their child coming out to ...
Another interesting techniques is to use vertical scrolling to tell a story. The poster child for this is certainlyBen the Bodyguardwhich doesn’t provide all information right away but rather unfolds a story using animations and scrolling.
I knew I was going to have to talk aboutit. And talk and talk and talk. I certainly got sick of explaining what it’s like to be a Cleveland fan in those days—some of the ideas I’ve laid out here—and how this thing, much as it sucked, kind offit. It made sense in the ...
Yes, a number of poster seem to think Apple will, or should be, forced to host apps for just the $99 developer fee; I forsee a change in how Apple charges for their App Store. Indeed jlc1978 said: The challenge will be to get exposure for such apps. Personally...
As another poster has said for some people if they don’t work then they don’t get paid and so they will push on and work almost no matter what. There are also employers who do really frown upon ringing in sick/being off sick, not mine thankfully but my ...
The poster (see above) and the movie trailer are instantly grabbing. We see a doll-like/robotic little girl with long flowing blonde hair and mesmerizing, sparkling eyes that are cat-like and creepy. Almost life-like, it doesn’t take a genius to conjure images of the Chucky doll from ...