这是一款效果十分炫酷的 css3 coming soon 分步显示动画特效。整个 css3 动画分几个场景,每次显示一个场景,就像广告里经常出现的 coming soon 分步显示效果。 html 结构 创建一个 class 为 sp-container 的 div 作为包裹容器。在其中 sp-content 为主要显示区域,里面包含多个 sp-row。每一个 sp-row 是一个“...
Frontend Mentor | Ping coming soon page <!-- Feel free to remove these styles or customise in your own stylesheet 👍 --> .attribution { font-size: 11px; text-align: center; } .attribution a { color: hsl(228, 45%, 44%); } We are launching soon! Subscribe and get notifie...
This size is great for coming soon/error and other similar pages. Make the background a light grey and apply some noise to it (Filter->Noise->Add Noise). Step 2 Create a 700×400 pixel white shape. Set the Fill to zero and apply any seamless (transparent) pattern. Step 3 Use ...
The #1 request we’ve heard from educators and schools looking to move to the OneNote on Windows (Desktop) version is an option to allow the user interface to look similar to the OneNote for Windows ...
Hi All, I wonder if anyone can help with my scenario - it seems microsoft cant! I've just migrated a client from S4B with a hosted provider over...
We will not store data from any platforms other than normal operating information like payment address and email (If Agreed) unless stated otherwise. We will do everything in our ability to be fair, transparent, profitable and worthy of trust.Sponsorship...
The IMDB is fairly good in IE6, with just the odd layout problem like the misaligned header in the screenshot above, and the odd transparent PNG rectangle. But Most of all, she needs to teach her college students, not nearly relationships or contraceptives, but about life-long expertise sta...
The Google Play store is more transparent than the iOS App Store is for this title regarding what the app can access. On the Pok?mon Go page, the title is listed as having "full network access" and access to "accounts on the device." Practically, full account access could allow develope...
https://i.imgur.com/apR1QZC.png The transparent parts are only to show this is a structural "wall" while allowing to view the inside, it is a really simple representation, the rectangle correspond to magnets and the tube to a coil. So the pop up have one magnet on each sides, but...
Rift or Vive I can. It took some effort to even discern individual pixels. The result was that it felt like I was looking at a slightly textured surface or film, similar to the current headsets, but much sharper and transparent. I can imagine I wouldn’t be distracted by the resolution...