A powerful examination of the cyclical nature of violence and generational trauma, All Day and a Night follows the story of Jahkor, a young man in Oakland who faces a life sentence, as he reflects on the decisions that led him down the tragic path of his father. The film is a poignant...
Second, the dissertation unearths the emotional violence of living in a legal and public culture that treated blacks as second class citizens. Such a project is crucial for uncovering not only the trauma of racial violence, but also for understanding the legacy of that violence today. Drawing ...
Through its dual timeline structure, the show examines themes of survival, friendship, and the lasting impact of adolescent trauma, while blending psychological thriller elements with coming-of-age storytelling. Premiered: November 14, 2021 Number of Seasons: 3 Also ranks #1 on The Best ...
coming outlesbianismmourningobject relations theorypsychoanalysispsychotherapyThis paper is a journey into a relatively uncharted clinical landscape. The terrain in question is located at the intersection of three factors: early and cumulative trauma (where it exists), societal and familial stigma and ...
Ultimately, despite its darkness, there's a message of hope there, too — the idea that if you have the right support network and people you can confide in and trust, even the very worst traumas can be overcome. — S.H. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is available to stream on Net...
Culture, trauma, and wellness: a comparison of heterosexual and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and two-spirit native americans. In a community-based sample of urban American Indian and Alaska Native adults, 25 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and two-spirit participants were compared with 15... F Kimberly,...
The beauty of adolescence is that it doesn’t discriminate. Everyone battles the raging hormones and changing bodies of puberty with the same barrage of drama and trauma that comes with the emotional turmoil of middle school and the wild ride that is high school. And while that time in everyo...
“We don’t come out for the ones who hate us to know. We shout and make as much noise as possible just so other people like us who are scared and can’t be themselves would know that they are not a mistake and they are not alone.” Trending Now Criminalization of Trauma Survivors...
The real tragedy is that the story is timeless and universal: the trauma of young people coming out is still potentially as wracked with anguish as the trauma of this film.Philipp (handsome young Matthias Freihof) is a popular high school teacher, tightly in the closet, who happens to bump...
find the body of a missing child, and the challenges they face along the way that alter their lives forever. It touches on difficult topics like bullying, grief, and trauma. Starring Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix, Kiefer Sutherland, Corey Feldman, and Jerry O’Connell, watch it now onPrime ...