Starring a young Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert De Niro, This Boy's Life is an emotional portrayal of a teenage boy navigating a troubled relationship with his abusive stepfather. Set in the 1950s, the movie adeptly showcases the difficulties of growing up in a dysfunctional family while seeking...
A reply to her post also highlighted a person's own experience with domestic abuse: "I survived 5 yrs of relentless violence by an ex. Once, he heard me praying for him, and it enraged him. No prayer can change evil. I began praying to be delivered from his evil. March...
I love the sweaty and muscular Western genre being the backdrop of an LGBTQ+ film and tipped upside down. Not to reduce it to a tepid John Wayne film cliche there exists a gorgeous and melodic fado singer throughout the film. It is performed byManu Ríos. This counterbalances the Quentin...
Marieme (Karidja Touré) is a Black teenager in the gritty outskirts of Paris, dealing with an abusive brother at home and facing an uncertain future after high school. She falls in with a local clique of bad girls, finding joy, strength, and a new sense of self in their connection. ...
A subversive love story gone wrong that follows a young woman into and out of an emotionally abusive relationship.Cast: Sofia Black-D’Elia, Ray Nicholson, JonRudnitsky, Cazzie David, Raymond Cham Jr(World Premiere) I Wish You AllTheBest ...
“Roxanne Roxanne” addresses some of the unique social pressures of being a Black teen girl. Roxanne contends with a deteriorating family dynamic living in NYC’s Queensbridge Housing Projects and a predatory and abusive relationship that tries to cage her. Though the film is no fairy tale, it...
The Invisible Manstars Elisabeth Moss as Cecilia, a woman who escapes an abusive relationship with her boyfriend Adrian (Oliver Jackson-Cohen). While in hiding with family and friends, she gets word that Adrian killed himself in distress of her leaving him. Her feeling of finally being safe q...
"Ten Thousand Angels" hitmaker Mindy McCready was a star in the spotlight, but her life wasn't without tragic shadows. An abusive relationship, custody battle, drugs and alcohol plagued the singer, and after attempting suicide multiple times, McCreadytook her own lifewith a firearm in February...
Rita is an unappreciated lawyer stuck in a dead-end job, Jessi wants to move on from her presumed-to-be dead husband, and Epifanía intends to move on from her abusive husband. Audiard makes it clear that the women cannot escape the drug cartel world even though they’d like to. Emilia...
With its diverse cast of characters and an empowering story of escape from an abusive relationship, A Long Journey is a celebration of freedom, self-expression, and inclusivity. A Long Journey to an Uncertain End is out now on PC via Steam, GOG,, and the Epic Games Store...