’ The song delivers a “Heaven and Hell Pt. II” type of feel. The heaviest track, “Devil and Daughter,” boasts a galloping verse riff and triumphant chords to give the chorus its epic feel as synths back the song. The album resides mostly in mid-tempo offerings like “Kill in the...
With Hollywood Undead’s fifth album, aptly titled ‘Five,’ the band took control of their career and expanded their horizons with a disc that shows off the range of what the group can do in a variety of styles. The infectious rocker “California Dreaming” covers well known territory for ...
Coming Home to Stay (title song)-- almost makes me cry (in a good way, of course.) A feeling from my past, a letting-go, an accepting that felt so relieving and so right, a closure of a chapter in my life. Strong, strident acoustic guitar chords-- he gets more dynamics out of...
Mybarriois one of lore – inhabited by sailors and gypsies, haunted by flamenco chords. When I lived in Madrid, my neighborhoods was just that – a jumble of apartments and parking places and old man bars and city. Forever and ever,amén. Triana is chaotic. Wild. Familiar. Foreign. And ...
Bad Religion’s modern era stands head-and-shoulders above any other punk band. The professors of four-chords and dense vocal harmonies followed a magnificent 2000s with ‘The Dissent of Man,’ packing 15 anthems into a wildly diverse Bad Religion record. Addictive sing-alongs like “The Devil...
And if it isn't, then too bad, because you have to be there anyway. This year the assembly will feature the golden vocal chords of the Concert and Jazz Choirs, the rockin' and rollin' of Exodus, the jazzy jams of Jazz Band, the hilarious shenanigans of Pardon My French, the ...